ich treatement in FOWLR


Active Member
Ok, so today my clown is acting lathargic.. The lights came on and he is laying in the corner. I moved him into my QT (3 gallon picotope tank im raising copopodes in. I tried to feed with garlic to see if he would eat and nothing. he is now swimming around in this tank but his mouth is none stop going like he is struggling a bit. I see some white spots on the tail and dorsal fin. I am assuming it is ick or ick however you spell it.
I have inverts in my main tank and other fish and I know it can be spread though there what is the safest thing to put into my main tank to kill anything off that might be in there without harming the inverts and the fish ? I know I need to raise the tank temp to around 80 as that will help but what else can I do ?? 75 gal FOWLR tank.
puffer, 3 damsels, diamond gobie and a manderin remain in my main tank along with turbo snails and some other inverts.
I also saw I have those tiney hydroid jellyfish that can sting a fish would this cause the reaction he is having or is it what I think ick ?


Originally Posted by Fats71
Ok, so today my clown is acting lathargic.. The lights came on and he is laying in the corner. I moved him into my QT (3 gallon picotope tank im raising copopodes in. I tried to feed with garlic to see if he would eat and nothing. he is now swimming around in this tank but his mouth is none stop going like he is struggling a bit. I see some white spots on the tail and dorsal fin. I am assuming it is ick or ick however you spell it.
I have inverts in my main tank and other fish and I know it can be spread though there what is the safest thing to put into my main tank to kill anything off that might be in there without harming the inverts and the fish ? I know I need to raise the tank temp to around 80 as that will help but what else can I do ?? 75 gal FOWLR tank.
puffer, 3 damsels, diamond gobie and a manderin remain in my main tank along with turbo snails and some other inverts.
I also saw I have those tiney hydroid jellyfish that can sting a fish would this cause the reaction he is having or is it what I think ick ?
Raising the temp to eighty will do nothing, that is the temp that most tanks are. There is nothing that you can add into the tank to kill ich with the inverts in there. You have two choices to successfully remove ich from the tank. You can remove all of your rock and inverts and hypo the display, or you can remove all of the fish and treat them while leaving the display fish-less.


Active Member
Ok, so I can remove the inverts into my qt ( dunno what they will eat tbh) then what do I use to put into my display as i have nothin large enough to put my fish into .


I have used ich attack successfully in freshwater tanks with out killing inverts and scaleless fish. I takes a couple dosings but it is completely organic. Smells like really strong garlic. Says it works in salt too. Although I know they are 2 different parasites


Originally Posted by Fats71
Ok, so I can remove the inverts into my qt ( dunno what they will eat tbh) then what do I use to put into my display as i have nothin large enough to put my fish into .
If your qt is only three gallons then you will have to use a rubber maid tub, with a heater and a power head, for the rocks and inverts. You can put just the inverts and one or two pieces of rock into the three gallon and the rest of the rocks in a tub, whichever you prefer. Perform hyposalinity on the display. Do you have a refractometer?


Active Member
No refractometer... I spent all I had on a wet/dry this weekend so I dont have enough for another heater and power head and thhe rubermaid totes are like 40 bucks here they dont have regular ones.. I am somewhat screwed until the end of the month as with the wife working for gov she doesnt get paid till the end of the month and I spent everything I had and have...
I wish I lived near a LFS.. it would make life so much easier.
I dunno what else to do ass I cant do the hypo. I sent thhe wife to get me a rubbermaid trash can to pre-mix salt water in and was gonna pull my koralia out of the display but the heater is still a issue... will the fish be ok with a hypo if I figure out a way to do it or is their some other options like the one the guy posted above yours ?
FYI since placing thhe clown in the QT he accted like normal. I am confused he is not laying down anymore and he is eating the food drom earlierr. could he have just beeen super stressed out ?
I still see little white spots on his tail though


Was another fish picking on him in the display? How are your water readings? For now you can use a reef safe med in the display, but you will have to actually treat the ich at some point. There are only three things that kill ich copper, hyposalinity, and lack of host. You won't be able to do any of them yet. Copper has to be done in a qt that you do not plan on using for inverts. You would need the refractometer and tub, or cycled qt large enough for all of your fish, for hyposalinity. For now use the reef safe med and add garlic to their food.


He very well could have been stressed for some reason, but fixing that won't make the ich go away.
You can get a cheap non-sumersible heater (clip-on) that will work for like 10 bucks in even some really crappy pet stores or wal-marts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Apos
He very well could have been stressed for some reason, but fixing that won't make the ich go away.
You can get a cheap non-sumersible heater (clip-on) that will work for like 10 bucks in even some really crappy pet stores or wal-marts.

Thats just it...
I am tapped with 5 more people moving into our home and us supporting until they find jobs and get their own place we dont have much to play with and no paycheck until april gov screws you when you go higher in the GS positions..) I just cant tell my wife after 2500 bucks in 3 weeks I need another thing atm or im going to be lookin for a new place to live...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Was another fish picking on him in the display? How are your water readings? For now you can use a reef safe med in the display, but you will have to actually treat the ich at some point. There are only three things that kill ich copper, hyposalinity, and lack of host. You won't be able to do any of them yet. Copper has to be done in a qt that you do not plan on using for inverts. You would need the refractometer and tub, or cycled qt large enough for all of your fish, for hyposalinity. For now use the reef safe med and add garlic to their food.

sep, told the wife I have to buy medicine is their anything you suggest that might work from say wal-mart ???




Originally Posted by Fats71
Thats just it...
I am tapped with 5 more people moving into our home and us supporting until they find jobs and get their own place we dont have much to play with and no paycheck until april gov screws you when you go higher in the GS positions..) I just cant tell my wife after 2500 bucks in 3 weeks I need another thing atm or im going to be lookin for a new place to live...
Hm, your wife would want you to allow the fish that you have to die? You have at least a hundred dollars worth of fish right? I am a female LOL I sure wouldn't want all of those to die, no matter what it costs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Hm, your wife would want you to allow the fish that you have to die? You have at least a hundred dollars worth of fish right? I am a female LOL I sure wouldn't want all of those to die, no matter what it costs.
I have to feed 8 people with 200 bucks till the end of the month... we paidd for them to move here etc and it hit us at a bad time her job bumped her to higher GS level which in turn is good but at the same time means she moved positions meaning no check for a month on her end and my friends dont have much hence we paid for them to get here.. three kids need to eat more than fish and im doing what I can the best I can.


Originally Posted by Fats71
I have to feed 8 people with 200 bucks till the end of the month... we paidd for them to move here etc and it hit us at a bad time her job bumped her to higher GS level which in turn is good but at the same time means she moved positions meaning no check for a month on her end and my friends dont have much hence we paid for them to get here.. three kids need to eat more than fish and im doing what I can the best I can.
I am a single mom, I completely understand. Fresh garlic is very cheap for a bulb. You only need one clove at a time. There are reef safe meds, you are welcome to try them. I cannot tell you which one to buy because of the mixed results. I know that I used Stop Parasites and it smelled awfull. I stopped using it after a few days. That is the only experience, with these, that I have to offer you. If you need the link for how to crush the garlic, then I can post it for you. It is in the Common Treatments FAQ at the top of the Disease and Treatment board.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am a single mom, I completely understand. Fresh garlic is very cheap for a bulb. You only need one clove at a time. There are reef safe meds, you are welcome to try them. I cannot tell you which one to buy because of the mixed results. I know that I used Stop Parasites and it smelled awfull. I stopped using it after a few days. That is the only experience, with these, that I have to offer you. If you need the link for how to crush the garlic, then I can post it for you. It is in the Common Treatments FAQ at the top of the Disease and Treatment board.
It would help so far I amm using garlic but crushing it is impossible it seems..
I just triedd to feed the clown some brine soaked in garlicc and nothing..
did not mean to post all the personal stuff just its so hard right now since she works for the army and we move like every 6 months to a year all our money goes into that and after the holiday bills rack up... just in a mood as I want these lil buggers to make it and on thhe budget we are on atm its not working so well. with trying to help another family get established as well as us... It hqas been none stop spent 8 k last month on pool garbage that had to happen plumbing in the house all kinds of crap man I hate moving and havinng nothing but trouble. We normally do very well but right now its one of them times ya know...
I am not seeinganywhereon how to crushh it without a press....


Originally Posted by Fats71 http:///forum/post/2512384
It would help so far I amm using garlic but crushing it is impossible it seems..
I just triedd to feed the clown some brine soaked in garlicc and nothing..
did not mean to post all the personal stuff just its so hard right now since she works for the army and we move like every 6 months to a year all our money goes into that and after the holiday bills rack up... just in a mood as I want these lil buggers to make it and on thhe budget we are on atm its not working so well. with trying to help another family get established as well as us... It hqas been none stop spent 8 k last month on pool garbage that had to happen plumbing in the house all kinds of crap man I hate moving and havinng nothing but trouble. We normally do very well but right now its one of them times ya know...
I am not seeinganywhereon how to crushh it without a press....
Here is the link https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/127007/faqs-fish-diseases-treatments-quarantine-health-info#post_1509974
I understand your frustration. I am sure that things will get back to normal again, hang in there.


can you post your water parameters...?
Sp G
are you certain its ich? Sounds more like stress...


Active Member
AP pro quick cure is the only thing available within 100 miles of me and it is at wal-mart.
as for the water etc ill post them as I do them this evening.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Here is the link https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...4&postcount=12
I am taking the clove and slicing finely with my pocket knife ( this one was bought specifically for fish stuff so nothing hazerdous on it)
I then take the knife and smash it in what we use for wasabi a little bowl I designated for the fish food mixing etc. I do not really see any juice come out but I let it sit with my food for about 3 to 5 minutes in a turkey baster I use water from the tank to mix it in and suck it into. I guess I am doing what she said it just seems their would be a bit more juice...guess not.


Active Member
Something weird I think.. I turned on my light in my qt ttoday at 6:30 to 7 a.m. While the light has been on the clown has pretty much looked like it was struggling to stay swimming. hovering over the bottom bobbing from side to side. I just shut the light off and thhe fish is now swimming around like "hey wheres the party" wtf do I have a nightowl for a fish ? We call this fish speedy because thhe first week he was tearing it up checking it all out now this mr I cant get enough sleep. I have had this fish for a month now and the new phase he is goign thru is not what he has done in the past. Plus the white specs on him make me think its ich