ich treatement in FOWLR


you may have stray voltage in the tank. taht could weaken his immune system making him more sucseptible to ich.
do you have a grounding probe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by chuckcac
you may have stray voltage in the tank. taht could weaken his immune system making him more sucseptible to ich.
do you have a grounding probe?
Wouldnt it afffect the other fish.
I have noticed however that thhis has happened sincce adding a wet/dry and somme of my snails are all goign to the same corner under the overflow in my tank everynight to sleep kinda weird not all but most turbos etc the larger ones anyway.
My grounding probe is still in a bx I just moved into here two months ago 9 wife is with army and they ship us everywhere we will be in germany or south korea/Italy this time next year..) I have not gotton into the storage yet to get all my tools back into my box. They took everything out of my 6 foot tall tool chest andd packedd it all how sweet they didnt unpack it like they were supposed too..
so the short answer is no I have no idea where to look.


Active Member
alsso the clownn is doinng the samme thing in this QT tank which is a picotope 3 gallon not likely to be thhe same issue inn this tank as well since its basic.
One question I have though is what does this AP pro quick cure do to live rock in thhis QT I have one piece of LR in it annd I know thhe ick can attachh itself to it thhe totomms or whatver so what ddo I do with it ?? leave it in there for good now and what will it do to it ?

star master

New Member
Hellow I have been doing reef tanks for at least 7 yrs. and I find the easiest way to cure diseses like ick is to put 1 clener shrimp per 25 g of water.