ich water


Active Member
probably won't do a thing for ick, except increase the water quality(by removing excess nutrients) , thus reducing the stress on the fish, thus reducing the chances(some, but not 100% by far)
do you have a hospital tank??
if not, i would reccommend one
also, kyolic garlic, can get it at gnc, will help in the prevention of ick, and MAY help with really minor cases, just add it to their food every 10 to 14 days
Originally posted by Mr.Tang:
<strong>NOPE. absolutely not. skimmers dont get rid of parasites. plus they will prob never get sucked up. when they are on the fish they are on the fish at all other times they are always in the substrate multiplying!!! sorry but a skimmer wont do a thing for any disease.
Mr.Tang :) </strong><hr></blockquote>how can i get rid of the infested water

nm reef

Active Member
Only way I know of to rid ick is to have no(absolutely NO) hosts for a period of 30 days.....ick will die....then return fish to ick free environment..........after that quarentine all additions to prevent re-introduction of ick.........and maintain a stable system.....works here!!!


just curious what were the fish that died? If your tank is a 26 gal how many total fish are in it?