Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Well me, never needed my qt.
That is dangerous. Many diseases and parasites can be introduced; including internal ones. Without a QT tank you run the risk of introducing many diseases, fungi, etc. Also, once in a reef tank, a fish could very well be impossible to remove.
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Lower the temp does slow them down to keep the fish less stress & being attacked. Yes, raise the temp & the bounce off the walls & they rip into your fish. Figured if they are too cold & move slower, the chances for the fish to have less is greater.
Water temp does effect fish metabolism, however, taken from Dr. Fenner's webpage regarding ICH (can't post the link due to forum policy): "Temperature effects. As with freshwater ich, it's advised to raise your systems temperature to speed up the life cycle of Crypt while you're treating for it. If your livestock can handle it, increase your heating to the mid 80's F along with whatever other treatment regimen you employ. "
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Most fish books state the lowest is 1.020. A point would not harm them.
Any sudden changes in salinity is harmful; and 1.020 is too low to keep inverts...
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Keep the lights off and they will keep calm.
True, but then you have to monitor pH and make sure your fish are getting enough O2. Algae produces CO2 during non-photosynthetic preiods and prolonged "dark" can really drop your pH (surface agitation is a must).
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
Lowering all of the above does prove fatal to the parasites. Heat promotes grown & raised salinity jeapardises the fish. Also grows more issues & parasites. 1 thing I did learn in chemistry & biology. Heat promotes the worst to happen. Cold slows it down & limits bad bacteria & other growths. So I apply that is my daily functions.
Unfortunately in this case it is incorrect. By slowing down the disease you are keeping it in the cyst form longer, which we both agree makes it more difficult to treat.
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Originally Posted by aquapro_1
When I first started I set up a qt. As life tells you, living by the book doesn't not prepare you for the outside world.
I'm a big fan of "the book" until proven otherwise through logic and the scientific method. I'm glad that your tank has been successful, but that is hardly enough evidence to start re-writing anything just yet.
Originally Posted by aquapro_1
My situations provided my success. ONLY in the ICH department. I only swear by true scarlets that they DO work. I have , heh, 3 yrs experience & to me that is the basis for my strong urge for others to at least try. See for them selves. Such if you got a fish that has fin rot, place him in the qt & get him back to par. Cloudy eye, get him the nutrition & water params he needs. What ever ailes them. But I want to at least tell people, why stress the fish out more with chem's?
I'm against medication until needed as well. As said, however, once a tank has ICH an army of Cleaner shrimps aren't going to cure it (I don't believe... if they could then every wholesaler in the world would bump up their salinities and keep cleaners in every tank).
Hope that explains our differences :thinking: