

New Member
I have a puffer with ich he has had it for about a week. I have a separate fuge that he is in now. I don’t have any allege or any thing in the fuge just marine mud it cycles through my sump. I want to cut it off so I can do the hypo treatment. I have a 125 with 5 fish and a fuge 15 to 20 gal. The puffer was in the 125 with the pup for a day or so since I just got the egg.
Do you think it is good enough with the sand or should I add a piece of LR to Quarantine?
And do you think my shark egg will be ok can the pup get infected in the egg?


Active Member
I have not the slightest clue about the egg, since I do not have much experience in that region, but my guess would be no, the shark is fine. You may want to take that question to the aggressive board since there is a ton of people who really know their stuff there.
As for the puffer, you will want to do a quarantine and hypo. However, the problem here is that there is no biological bacteria in the refuge. As soon as you cut that refuge off, you will begin a cycle on that tank because there will be no bacteria in the tank to break the waste down from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate.
Also, if you use live rock from your main tank, you will kill that rock during hypo. My best suggestion would be to get a cheap hang on the back biowheel filter, let that run on the fuge for 3 or 4 days to begin to accumulate bacteria, and then cut off the fuge and begin hypo treatments.Pick up a bottle of Turbo Start, just in case a mini-cycle occurs. This way, you have a biological filter on the fuge to support the puffer, and you have more bacteria readily available just in case there is not enough on the biowheel.
Another problem is that the ich is now in your main tank. Hypo-ing the puffer will help the puffer, but once you put the puffer right back into the main tank, there is a possibility of him contracting the ich again because you are doing nothing to kill the ich in the main tank. There is five fish in there that the ich could live off of if it wanted to. It is choosing the puffer because that is the fish with the weakest immune system right now. The ich knows that the puffer will put up less of a fight.


New Member
if none of the other fish in the main tank dont get it than how long will it take for it to die? I will get a filter and do that thanks for the help. if i had a chep bio wheel and put it on a 10 gal would that be a good QT? Do you need to do water changes and what not on a QT I rarely buy fish it dosn't seem to pratical to keep it up and running.


Active Member
Well, even if you don't see it on any of the other fish, that does not mean it is not in the tank, temporarily hosting off of them. That just means they are strong enough to fight it off before it is a problem.
Well, if you bought a cheap biowheel and put it on a new 10 gallon tank, you would need to cycle that new tank.
You need to do water changes on a QT to keep the levels down. Ammonia will spike faster in a Qt because the biological filtration is not as established as your display tank.