

I have had my purple tang for about 2 weeks (no QT, a newbie mistake). Within a few days of bringing him home he developed a couple of white spots. I was pretty sure it was ich. Over the past 2 weeks he has had a few more saltlike crystals, but many more that were not salt like, they were not really white.
His behavior has been otherwise unremarkable- Very active and eating voracioulsly
I thought maybe:
1) spots where the ich was
2) spots where my cleaner shrimp had "cleaned" him or
3) permanent scar tissue or
4) less than white ich
I will try posting a couple pics, but am not sure if you will be able to see anyting.
Any input would be appreciated.
I have been feeding him garlic soaked food (beths recipie soaked in fresh garlic) as well as hanging garlic soaked algae sheets every other day.



Hard to say, ick does seem have a way of changing its appearance. Either way tangs are quite ich magnets so it probably was/is some kind of parasite. You say it wasnt really white, what color was it?