
el bob

i just walked in from poker night and saw that my half-black angel has ich. I have had him for a week and he has showed no signs of ich until tonight. he is covered in it. the What do I do?? my clowns r not showing any signs of ich so its just the angel. what do i do????????


Active Member
I would put the fish in a QT and treat with hyposalinity. If you go to the disease and treatment forum in the first thread it lays out in detail how to do this.


try not to over react...try feeding medicated food (metrazion something) and garlic soak...see how that will work out.....i over reacted when i first started my tank and used malachite green in my display tank didnt do damage luckily but didnt work either...fish always have ich it is usually held in check by immune system....i just upgraded from a 45 to a 90 and my blue hippo had it all over him...i soak some food in garlic and put one measure of the metrazonidale on it....fed it to everyone in the tank and it went away now everyone is happy and i just added a sailfin tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
...fish always have ich it is usually held in check by immune system....
That is not accurate. Ich is a parasite....


Active Member
I agree with the last post, Ich does NOT live in all fish. The lifecycle alone explains why. Also, if you have had your fish for a week that tells me you did not quarantine, A MUST if you want to keep ich, or any other disease/parasite out of your tank. You clowns don't have it now, but I won't be surprised if they get it later. Once the white spots drop off your other fish they will soon multiply 100xs and float around until they find another fish, clowns, angel again, etc. That's a very brief discription of it, but that's basically what happens. When they are free floating is when you can kill them, not when they are already inbeded in your fish (white spots). Here is a site so you can learn more.


Originally Posted by El Bob
i just walked in from poker night and saw that my half-black angel has ich. I have had him for a week and he has showed no signs of ich until tonight. he is covered in it. the What do I do?? my clowns r not showing any signs of ich so its just the angel. what do i do????????
Please post this over in the disease and treatment section and we will walk you through how to treat ich.


i know i will get some debate on this, but my blue hippo had ick; probably worse than the pic that was just posted, and i didnt have a qt. it fell off and hasnt come back 3mths. i can only think that my uv helped kill it. this happend when i upgraded my tank and i didnt think it would cycle based on info i read and got on this site, but it did and she made it through. i had nothing but the uv so i have to think this played a role. ive had tanks with and without a uv and when ive had them ive had no problem with disease. when i havent had them i usually get something. i dont know, just my experience.


Active Member
UV will kill ich in the free swimming phase. I guess if you have a good UV set up it could really impact it.
Still, the best thing to do is NEVER let it into your tank. If a stressed fish gets ich then it means you have ich in your tank. A stressed fish in an ich-less tank= a stressed fish with no ich.


im about to go uv crazy tommorow. i currently have 1 resun 9watt and 25watt gamma uv installed in the sump. about to get 2 jbj submariner uv's @ 7watt tommrow. tell me, is that overkill?? hope ur tank comes out ok. i wouldnt recomend you to do the thing im about to do.
but i hope ur fish come out great.


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
im about to go uv crazy tommorow. i currently have 1 resun 9watt and 25watt gamma uv installed in the sump. about to get 2 jbj submariner uv's @ 7watt tommrow. tell me, is that overkill?? lol
I am not sure of overkill, but are you attempting to rid your tank of something, or just as protection?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am not sure of overkill, but are you attempting to rid your tank of something, or just as protection?
im using it to remove a ich a problem and maybe protection for another population boom in ich.


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
im using it to remove a ich a problem and maybe protection for another population boom in ich.
Uv's only get free floating ich. It will not kill the ich that is living in your substrate. There are only two ways to rid your tank of ich, hyposalinity and copper. Some fish are sensitive to copper. IMO hyposalinity is the only way to completely rid your tank of ich.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Uv's only get free floating ich. It will not kill the ich that is living in your substrate. There are only two ways to rid your tank of ich, hyposalinity and copper. Some fish are sensitive to copper. IMO hyposalinity is the only way to completely rid your tank of ich.
im aware that uv wont rid ich of an aquarium but wont uvs lower its population to a point where it isnt as noticible or deadly enough to be concerned about?


Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
im aware that uv wont rid ich of an aquarium but wont uvs lower its population to a point where it isnt as noticible or deadly enough to be concerned about?
If there is ich in your tank it is cause for concern. No matter how much you spend on UV's you will still have ich in your tank. Why not spend $50 on a 20 gallon qt, an extra heater, thermometer, and filter and just hypo your fish and be done with it. Then just qt all new fish and you will not have to worry about ich again.


New Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
I agree with the last post, Ich does NOT live in all fish. The lifecycle alone explains why. Also, if you have had your fish for a week that tells me you did not quarantine, A MUST if you want to keep ich, or any other disease/parasite out of your tank. You clowns don't have it now, but I won't be surprised if they get it later. Once the white spots drop off your other fish they will soon multiply 100xs and float around until they find another fish, clowns, angel again, etc. That's a very brief discription of it, but that's basically what happens. When they are free floating is when you can kill them, not when they are already inbeded in your fish (white spots). Here is a site so you can learn more.
Not true I had a powder blue in quarantine foe 4 weeks ,,,put him in my main tank another 4 weeks later he had Ich,,,,none of my other fish ever had it


Active Member
Originally Posted by bubbacat
Not true I had a powder blue in quarantine foe 4 weeks ,,,put him in my main tank another 4 weeks later he had Ich,,,,none of my other fish ever had it
Which is why some experts say you should quarantine for 6 to 8 weeks. Seems like a long time, but worth it in the long run. Ich is just going to be one of those on going depates that seem to never have a clear cut answer. All I know is I will set up UV before adding anything to my salt water tank, just to be on the safe side. It took me about a month to get rid of that horrible ich in my freshwater tank. Raising the temp to 86 and adding salt seemed to do the trick. I'm just hoping it doesn't come back.