

I introduced a percula to my tank and quickly came down w/ich. As soon
as I realized what was going on I removed the percula. Only other fish
is a Coral beuty. If I dont see any signs on my CB after a period of
time do I hypo anyway???


Well-Known Member
If it was ich, then your tank has ich and needs to be treated. This can be done in any of 3 ways. You could treat with copper or hyposalinity, or leave the tank empty. Each had its advantages and disadvantages, and each has to be done exactly right or it isn't worth doing. Take a look at the sticky at the top of this forum for directions on all three methods.


Originally Posted by woodwalker
I introduced a percula to my tank and quickly came down w/ich. As soon
as I realized what was going on I removed the percula. Only other fish
is a Coral beuty. If I dont see any signs on my CB after a period of
time do I hypo anyway???
The Coral Beauty should be treated as well. Do yo have a qt tank? Do you have lr or ls in your display?


Just have a 55gal FO, no LR or QT. I figured that would be the answer but
hoped for something different. The coral beaty seems fine I was hoping to
bypass cleaning the tank if it wasnt necc. Thanks for the info.


Originally Posted by woodwalker
Just have a 55gal FO, no LR or QT. I figured that would be the answer but
hoped for something different. The coral beaty seems fine I was hoping to
bypass cleaning the tank if it wasnt necc. Thanks for the info.
If you have a fo tank ith no lr or ls you can perform hypo in the display. Remove any snails, crabs etc. Only have the fish in the display. Do you have a refractometer?


I do have live sand in the tank is that gonna be a problem..??
Is there any reason why the CB is not being affected?


Active Member
It is not effected yet, but the moment that it gets stressed out, the ich will see that as their chance to capitalize.
I would take out the live sand as well, as there will be much die off in it when hyposalinity is performed. Just take it out as gently and smoothly as possible, so that you do not disrupt the tank and begin a cycle.


Let the fun begin then. There wouldn't be and easier route w/o removing
the sand. And I know if I'm in the hobby I should have the dedication
4 it..


Originally Posted by woodwalker
Let the fun begin then. There wouldn't be and easier route w/o removing
the sand. And I know if I'm in the hobby I should have the dedication
4 it..
Can you set up a qt and just remove the fish? You can add a sponge filter to your display to gather bacteria and sacrifice a cup of your LS to the qt. You will still have a cycle but it won't be as bad if you can get some bacteria in there. Can you use one of your filter pads from the dt in a filter for the qt? There will be very litle bioload in the DT without the fish so as much bacteria will not be needed there. You can then perform hypo in a qt and let your main system run fishless for 6 weeks.


Thats what I think I'm going to do. Remove my 1 fish into a QT.
Leave my MT empty for 6 weeks. Do I hypo my QT Tank anyway
or just watch for signs, cause like I said My 1 CB is still doing well
showing no signs of ill effect. I almost have a direction to go in
and ready to take action.. Thanx 4 the help.....


Originally Posted by woodwalker
Thats what I think I'm going to do. Remove my 1 fish into a QT.
Leave my MT empty for 6 weeks. Do I hypo my QT Tank anyway
or just watch for signs, cause like I said My 1 CB is still doing well
showing no signs of ill effect. I almost have a direction to go in
and ready to take action.. Thanx 4 the help.....
Yes, hypo him anyway. He has been exposed and could happily fight off the ich that is large enough to see for 6 weeks and then re-infest your system. He is obviously a healthy fish to have fought it so far.


Hey thanks for all the info, going to get started on the QT. I dont know if
I maxed out on my questions but one last one. I want to add LR to my tank and this seems like a good opportunity since my MT will be empty. What is
the minumum requirement for LR. There is a 40w florecent in there now..


Originally Posted by woodwalker
Hey thanks for all the info, going to get started on the QT. I dont know if
I maxed out on my questions but one last one. I want to add LR to my tank and this seems like a good opportunity since my MT will be empty. What is
the minumum requirement for LR. There is a 40w florecent in there now..
There is no lighting requirement for LR. Ask us as many questions as you would like anytime