Ick Attack?


Has anyone tried this product and found it to be safe and effective? I have a reef tank and many inverts any input would be appreciated as my new Royal Gramma and my PJ Cardinals seem to be coming down with ick.


Active Member
I have never used it, but I will tell you the best way to treat ich is hyposalinity in a quarantine tank. If this is not an option, I have found that Chem Marin's Stop Parasite works the best as a reef safe alternative, and Kick Ich is pretty effective as well. Both are safe for inverts, rock, macro algae, etc.


After reading all your postings on ich I just ordered Stop Parasite from a vendor here. Thanks for all your input to others and to my post, I want to be prepared as in January I lost every fish to ich I had in my tank.


Active Member
I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I must say, I have always had success with that product. Just make sure your alkalinity/kH is at the proper level! Also, it is much more effective if you discover what the problem was that caused the ich, and correct that as well.
Good luck and keep me posted with how it goes.


Active Member
While you are waiting, why don't we try to figure out why the new fish got ich?
Did you just get these fish?
If so, how long did you acclimate them for?
Did you see them eat at the LFS?
What are your water levels? (pH, kH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temp, and salinity)


I added one new fish (Royal Gramma) about 3 days before this started showing up, acclimated by drip 1 1/2 hours, it just seems I can't get away from this ick, tank went for 4 weeks with no fish, did a 50% water change, I get my water tested at LFS every week all levels are perfect, I did a dip strip test also after every application of Stop Parasite and everything shows ideal. I just don't know, I am hoping the Stop Parasite will cure this constant problem. And yes all the fish are new as of Saturday prior to last with the exception of the Gramma which I got the following day. Yes I saw all of them eat, they are all eating fine now too except the small PJ.
I have
2 flame scallops
3 Anenome
6 blue leg hermits
1 coral banded
1 generic hermit
12 turbo snails
1 sand sifting star
1 chocolate chip star
1 percula
2 PJ cardinals
1 blue devil damsel
1 Royal Gramma
Damsel is clean
Percula is clean