Ick cure please in reef tank???

Ive got a 55 gallon reef tank with 45 lbs of live rock. Its been set up for a month and seems to be done cycling. I have 5 damsels. Two of them are Domino's and they have ick. They've had it for about a week and a half. It seems to come and go in extremity. Ive got a hospital tank, but with all the live rock I cant catch them. Is there any safe way to treat them in the tank with the LR? I want to add a couple of clown fish, but not till I kill the dreaded ick monster! HELP!!! :confused:


You can use a liquid medicine that is reef safe. I've used it and works pretty good. I forgot what it is called, but your lfs should know.


The was my experience:
My setup was very similar to yours. I tired a couple of the "reef safe" remedies to no avail. This is the make or break period for beginning reef keepers. Here's what I've experienced and what I learned from my mistake:
Cause of the ich? Tank not mature enough to support the marine life. Too many fish, too soon, for a tank that wasn't ready for any fish. The result was fish stress, leading to ich. What happened to the fish. Dead.
What did I do wrong? Impatience.
What did I do to remedy? I let the tank sit fishless for a minimum of two months. Why? First the obvious: no fish, no Ich. The Ich parasite must have vulnerable host to propagate to an "infestation". Second, this will allow your tank to mature to a stable environment. If you keep up with some regular maintenance as if there were fish in the tank then you'll find that the beneficial organisms provided by the LS and LR will start to "do their thing" and help to stabilize the environment making it less susceptible to radical chemical swings from minor changes.
What did I learn? Take things very slow. It seems that experienced reefers can work around this time limitation. I’d like to learn their methods some day, but I’m sure their experience came at a hefty price tag. For me there’s no other way than to make very small incremental changes to a maturing tank (3-4 month break-in) with organism that are hardy and benefit the maturation process. I don’t profess I know all of the changes that happen, I just know that time was my best friend. Quick changes in the environment, including the inhabitants, will always upset the balance of the ecosystem in the tank. Then trick is to not over do it.
Your tank need not sit empty. Get a cleaner crew with snail, crabs, shrimp, feather dusters, maybe a brittle star or two. These are not acceptable ich hosts (they won’t get it) and they’ll play a role in maturing your tank. This will also provide some entertainment while the tank is sitting empty. After the tank has sat at a couple of months, add a couple of ich resistant fish like a Gobie or Blenny. Watch them carefully for stress. If they don’t adapt to your tank quickly, you’ll need to let things sit a little longer. Definitely do not do something silly like add a Tang or Angle a couple of weeks after you had an ich outbreak. That’s simply fish homicide.
Unfortunately your fish will likely die unless you remove the LR and get them in to a copper medicated hospital tank. DO NOT ADD COPPER BASED MEDICINE TO YOUR TANK.
I was patient and did exactly what I talked about above and the same tank is now almost 18 months old with a thriving community of animals. I’m starting on my second reef twice the size and feel much more comfortable about the process.
You will get other opinions from garlic to complete system breakdown and sterilization. All I know is this worked and I continue to apply it.

kris walker

Active Member
I'm also having problems with parasites right now on at least one fish (gramma), not necessarily ich though. I tried feeding it fish food soaked in garlic water (1/4 cup of water with a sqooshed up garlic clove in it) for a whole week. I had no luck with it. In fact, it is getting worse as my gramma is rubbing up against everything ever 5 seconds when it comes out of its hiding place. I expect to lose it soon, but I have seen fish naturally recover from parasites before so i have my hopes up. One of my scooter blennies had parasites several weeks ago. I took her out and put her in a specimen container with a copper/antibiotic solution for 36 hours. Then I put her back in the aquarium, she went into hiding for a few days, then came out and started to eat again. But I haven't been able to catch my gramma yet for a similar treatment.
I think Flatfish's advice is excellent, and I wish I took things more slowly than I did. That reef-safe treatment Y2SAYS refers to sounds promising. I know I will probably look into that for my problem. Thanks everyone for this discussion.


i don't know much about ick because i only have 2 percs in my 5 month old tank. however i just read an article yesterday about possible remidies. It said to soak the food for 2 weeks in garlic oil. It also mentioned a pretty substantial water change. It said that this might get rid of the parisites in the water before they attatch to a fish. The article was in the new issue of Marine Fish and Reef. it can provide better info than myself. you should pick it up.
Thanks for all the replies. Only the two Domino damsels seem to have ick. My other three Damsels a blue what ever and two yellow tails appear to be completly unaffected. I will try the garlic elixir since they seem to be fighting the ick off pretty good. Do you buy that at a grocery store? Thanks for the advice Flatfish, but I want to try this to see if it will work. Thats a long time to wait.


Try Kyolic garlic extract from GNC, I have had success with it and it is water based so you wont get that oil slick in your tank. It also doesnt smell!

kris walker

Active Member
Hi again HeadAboveWater,
In case the garlic remedy doesn't work, a product exists called "Greenex" made by Aquatronics. It is a pretty cheap solution of "Malachite Green and Quinine HCL". It turns you tank green, and it will cause a protien skimmer to go crazy, but it claimes to be safe for inverts and bacteria. I just bought a 1 oz bottle (treats 600 gallons) for $4.

kris walker

Active Member
Y2SAYS - Do you know if that medication you refer to was called "greenex"? I did a search on greenex and found that it received bad reviews. More often than not, it did not cure ick, and one person reported it even killed all his snails. Please let me know asap, as I just added it to my tank (I hate the idea, but I have no room in my apt. for a copper hospital tank).


Active Member
There is another medicine that is invert safe called "Kick Ich" but I not know anything about how well it works.


I have used Kick Ich and it worked very well for my tank. Thank the all mighty, I only had to use it once. Follow the directions and complete the full cycle. This is important.
Good luck.
I moved all my rock around and managed to catch all my fish it took about an hour to catch 5 fish. Hope I dont have to do that again. But there in my hospital tank now.

kris walker

Active Member
Just to follow up, I had "greenex" in my tank now for 2 days. Directions call for 3 treatments in 5 days. I have decided to make these 3 treatments back-to-back. After the first 12 hours, all signs of parasites on my gramma were gone. I was quite pleased. He even stopped scratching. But then 8 hours later, he started scratching again, and I saw a couple of spots on his body I thought were parasites again. So dose 2 started. Xenia, moon, mushrooms, snails, hermits, and cleaner shrimp all fine.
great to hear Sam, As like Naso, I also use kick-ick in my tank. I had some cleaner shrimp for a while and they did wonders untill my trigger decided that he didn't want to be friendly to them anymore :rolleyes:


There are some medicated foods that I have used and they worked great. I had a fish with ick and it cleared up in a week. I also had a fish with a copepod in its eye and it cleared up in few days.

k salt

Had same problem when first starting my cure was local lfs rented uv s and feed garlic on food for 2 weeks cleared up and have not had problem again i had it on a sailfin and naso tang .
Surfin Sam! Let me know how all your critters are doing! Im curious to see if there are any long term affects that might now show up at first. If not I will use that if it ever happens again.