ick cure?


my clowns have a few white specks on them and also my royal gramma. one clown has been hanging around this one spot all day. when i feed he acts normal, what is the best stuff to clear ick , at least thats what i think it is.


just got home from work and the fish are acting and looking fine.
maybe the good ol doses of garlic caught before it got bad


I hope that the garlic helped.
Ich has a cycle to it's life and it will fall off the host and sit in the substrate waiting to rehatch, that is when it can get ugly. I don't mean to scare you, but I learned the hard. That is what happened to me and it wiped out all my fish! Usually the second infestation is too much for a weakened fish. The fish can also get a secondary bacterial infection. I hate ich:mad:
Best of luck jb1


New Member
There's a reef safe treatment called No-Ich available. A friend of mine had a horrible ich outbreak in his tank, the worst I had ever seen. He used No-ich for two weeks, and everything was fine. No corals or other inverts died. I highly recommend it.