Ick? Emperor Angel


I thought my angel had ick but on one of the fins it looks really bad so after having it in copper for a week and still showing signs of ick but my other fish no longer show signs I decided to do a freshwater dip. I matched temp and ph and dipped it for 3 minutes and nothing happened is this ick? It looks like a big clump of white stuff. I took pics but can not get them to load onto the computer. What should I do now?


Take a look at Beth's Diseased Fish FAQ, at the top of this forum, for examples of both ich and Lymphocystis. Let us know if you can get a positive ID.


From the pics it looks like it might be lymph.
My question now is I have 5 fish in a 20 gal QT in which I am doing daily water changes and they did have ick but now the angel has this lymph along with something on its gill which I was using mylcon for the 5 days it orginally helped but now its not.
Since my fish had ick I am leaving the display empty for 6 weeks.
What should I do now? I have a custom made QT tank coming in hopefully this weekend and I already have the canistar filter working on the reef tank(along with the reef filter)to "dirty" it up so it will be cycled when the tank gets here(been doing that for a week) so if I pull water from the reef and just use the canistar filter should I leave the angel solo and move the rest of the fish to the new QT? What kind of media should I use in the canistar for QT? carbon? I know it has 6 different chambers new to the canistar filter used to wet/drys.
Stop the copper or let it stay for the full month?
The Angel is eating really good in fact all fish except for the true perc he will only eat flakes. So should I turkey baster the angel or just dip all food in garlic? Need to go buy it so whats the best kind to help in this situtation?
Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for all the help. Celeste


Lymph will not kill him. They have only been in treatment for a week? How is the water quality in the 20? Fresh garlic, vitamins, and a quality diet will help. Do you feel that the 20 is not large enough for all of the fish? Enough biological bacteria has not gathered in the filter, in a week, to cycle the new QT. You will be doing daily changes on that. That is not quite as easy with copper treatment. You will have to be sure that the copper level in the change water matches the other QT exactly. If the fish do not seem cramped in the 20, and it is fully cycled, then I would leave them in there.


Yes they have only been in treament for a week. I was trying to see if it would just go away in the display. I dont think they are cramped typically they are all swimming around I have one big piece of pvc in there and normally no one is in it except for right now the angel since I scared the tar out of here.
The water quality is not the greatest in the 20 daily water changes due to ammonia it keeps going to 1.0 PH 8.2 trates 5-10 trites 0
I will leave them in the 20 they are now but should I continue the copper or remove it?
What kind ov vitamins? I am feeding rods veg food and mysis along with formula two/one pellets and red and green seaweed.
fish are powder blue, hippo tang, magnific fox face, emp angel, true perc