Ick!! Help


I think its ick... got a flasher wrasse 2 days ago and he seems to have ick today..... tang and angelfish ok right now.... i went to the store and guy gave me "Quick Cure ick treatment"... but package says add to bare tank.... guy told me to put in tank..... I have feather dusters and starfish..... ingredients are Malachite Green and Formalin. What should I do??? I also have STOP Parasites but have had experiences of major pH flux when using that and dont want to lose my angelfish as i did in past experience. (Different tank by the way) Thanks


Active Member
Do you have another tank to put the fish in? Maybe a new gargage can or tub?
I recommend hypo before any meds. IMO, it works better.

barry cuda

Hypo (short for hyposalinity) is the process of gradually lowering the salinity in the tank (or in this case Rubbermaid tub) to a specific point (can't remember off the top of my head what that point is) and holding it there for several weeks. The parasites that cause ich and a lot of other fish diseases don't tolerate the low salinity as well as fish do, and tend to die off leaving the fish disease-free.
You have to be very careful doing this, though, as you need very precise specific gravity measurements (usually done with a refractometer) and it needs to be lowered very slowly to avoid shocking the fish. I believe there's a stick in the disease & treatment forum that details the process.


Don't open the medicine, it won't work! You are better off throwing money out the window!
Ick is a tough nut to crack, and hypo does work.I went through the whole darn process myself, starting with medicine, and finally resorting to hypo, which worked.
Don't panic. Do a search on hypo, and read up.