ick help


ok i just satrted up my 90 gal tank and i just put a damsel in this morning and when i got home from work he has ick so what do u think i should do considering i do not want to treat the main tank cuz im currently setting up a quarinientiene tank so what should i do?


Active Member
Well, what you should have done was QT the damsel before adding him to the DT. Guess you're going to have to get the damsel out of there, treat him, and leave the DT empty for a while. Sounds like a lot of work, but it does get rid of the problem.


Originally Posted by rbaldino
Well, what you should have done was QT the damsel before adding him to the DT. Guess you're going to have to get the damsel out of there, treat him, and leave the DT empty for a while. Sounds like a lot of work, but it does get rid of the problem.

how long should i leave the dt empty???? will that solve the ick contaimination?


Active Member
I left mine emtpy for about a month, and so far that seems to have taken care of the problem. Fish have been in there for quite a while now and no sign of ich.


Active Member
Remove the damsel to the QT, and leave the display tank empty for 6 weeks to be safe. This is the main reason for quarantining all fish before adding them to the display. Be glad the damsel is the only thing in there and not $500.00 worth of expensive fish.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Remove the damsel to the QT, and leave the display tank empty for 6 weeks to be safe. This is the main reason for quarantining all fish before adding them to the display. Be glad the damsel is the only thing in there and not $500.00 worth of expensive fish.

well do u think i should treat the water then ??? but i really wasnt trying to put medicine in there ?


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
well do u think i should treat the water then ??? but i really wasnt trying to put medicine in there ?
No, once the fish is in quarantine the rest of the ich will die from lack of host.