Ick in new tank?


New Member
Im still cycling my first tank and Im currently finishing up week 4. I have 3 yellow tail damsels and a neon, and they were doing ok until recently. After some research on the net, it looks like its probably ick. I was told not to add any medication because it would screw up the cycling process. They are inexpensive fish so I am not to conserned, but my main concern is what to do in order to get the tank ready for new fish to replace the damsels. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance!!!


Ich is a paracite, and is always present.
IMO It tends to be more present in tanks then in the ocean. When fish are stressed (which obviously yours are) they are more prone to it.
Just take your time and make sure your levels and water quality are good before you add the fish you want.
IMO In addition those fish (I refuse to name them) can be mean towards others. Get them out before you add other fish.


Active Member

Originally posted by rhscare
They are inexpensive fish so I am not to conserned

Just because its cheap doesnt mean it deserves to die! You can not put a price on life!
You have to wait 30+ days after the fish die to really get rid of ich in your tank. Even after the cycle. It is a parasite that will stay in the water and it has to be in a fishless environment to starve the ich to death.
If you go ahead and just add fish less then 30 days after the tank has been fishless, the parasites will attach itself on the new fish and that will have ich, then you'll have to wait 30 more days for the tank to be fishless. Its a downward spiral, go to the diease forum and look up to how to set up a Quarintine Tank so that you can make sure your fish will be diease free and will not spread to the other new fish.
The reason why people should use dead shrimp from their local grociery store is because there is no ich, it will cycle faster and there isnt much clean up if you put it in a media bag.