Ick now what?


New Member
I have an ugly out break of ick, and it took the couple of fish I had :( . I have a 55 gal tank. 70LR/30LS, a couple of hermit crabs and 7 turbo snails, 2 mexican turbo snails and all my readings are good. I know that ick is a fish disease and now since I do not have any more fish in my tank when will the ick be gone, and when would be the safest time to start adding fish back in the tank. Plus during that time could I add some inverts or would it be bast to just wait for the ick to be completely gone? Thanks.


Staff member
Try looking in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for info on ich. Hyposalinity is the best choice, but you can no do this procedure with LR. Read up in the thread at the top of this forum, then post back.


Originally Posted by halfpint72
I have an ugly out break of ick, and it took the couple of fish I had :( . I have a 55 gal tank. 70LR/30LS, a couple of hermit crabs and 7 turbo snails, 2 mexican turbo snails and all my readings are good. I know that ick is a fish disease and now since I do not have any more fish in my tank when will the ick be gone, and when would be the safest time to start adding fish back in the tank. Plus during that time could I add some inverts or would it be bast to just wait for the ick to be completely gone? Thanks.
You have no fish in the tank? If so, let it run without fish for at least 6 weeks. Just to be safe, you may want to wait 7 weeks. I wouldn't add anything right now. Just let your tank be for now. Do you have a qt for future purchases?


New Member
No, but I do see where it would be most affordable in the future. Thanks to both of yall for the help. I think I am just not goin to starve the ich and wait it out....
Thanks again.