Ick or ???????


Greetings!! I have lots of tanks.... One has been a problem for 6 months since we had a power outage!! Most of my tanks are reef tanks. This tank with the problems..... is a 125g reef, has had signs of ick - used the kick ick - waste of money. With the power outage, I did loose 3 fish. I removed them promptly within the hour. The tank was really looking good for a few months and all of a sudden, the tang & angel (plus a few others) started showing signs of ick. I started using the kick ick and the tang & angel went to fish heaven. Now I'm sort of unsure that it is ick as I see the little gain specks and a cloudy look here and there, but one of the clowns has her fins nipped off and she looks sort of cloudy over half of her body!! I also have a black Domino that seems to have a grainy cloudy look, especially her eyes. These tanks are well kept- water changes reg. , all equitment cleaned reg. no new fish but I did add 2 brittle starfish approx. 2 month ago. I am currently in the first 48 hrs. of hyposalinity with my fishies (whats left) in a hospital tank. Does anyone out there know if this is maybe aggressive ick or possibly a bacteria??? This tank is only one year old and it is the only tank that I don't have a UV on it!!
Any comments or ideas are welcome!!


had a similar problem with my 135gal. i think it is fungal/ ich combined. the only way i got rid of it, i put a double helix 36w uv on it and i haven't had a problem in a year.


Staff member
That clown looks like he has been chewed up. Notice any aggression going on in the tank? What are you feeding the fish??
Once your tank is in full hypo, I would add an antibiotic treatment. Maracyn2 for SW fish, double dose. Do a water change or run carbon filtration [or both] just before each redose.


Thanks for the info. Beth.
Someone else had also recommended Maracyn and I went to ***** today looking for it and they only had this medicine for Freshwater. I do however have MelaFix, which may not be as good, but it is a antibacterial medicine???? Would this work??? Should I double dose this medicine with water changes also??
I haven't noticed any aggression other than from another clown. I do agree that he does look like someone's been nipping at the poor little guy!! He is in the worst shape. I have been feeding a wide varity if frozen meats & veg. greens, mostly plankton & brine - soaked in Garlic and alternate Zoe - ( I just got Zoe yesterday). I have always used garlic several feeding per week even when they were healthy.
As of tonight, I am at 1.009, so I'm in full hypo. All of the fish are OK and eating. Of course a couple still are sick.


Staff member
Isn't there a LFS where you live??? I said Maracyn TWO for SW fish. You can use Maracyn Two for FW, but it does not have the vit supplement, which, IMO, is a real plus.


I can go back, but I didn't see any Maracyn 2. What they have is white capsules in a blue & white box it says Maracyn for freshwater. All we have here is a small Pet shop that doesn't stock too many supplies and in the next town there is a *****. I order most of my supplies online. (Even my frozen foods!!) Maybe I will find this Maracyn2 and have them overnight it. Its my best bet.


I got the Maracyn-Two - dosed the tank yesterday as soon as got it - did a water change (approx. 2g) this morning and I did the reg. dose today. Everything looks good and now I am waiting for my clown buddy to get better. MEANWHILE - The main tank - 125g, has the LR and inverts in it. How would you treat this tank to prepare it for the home coming of the fishies in approx. a month or so???? Because this was not just ick, maybe some disease/bacteria also - should I be treating this tank also or just a water change & reg. cleanings and just let it sit????? ( I am still feeding these inverts everyday... garlic or zoe soaked foods for everybody & all tanks)
Thanks for your help.


Behold!! Now one of the fish has a popeye!! I am into a full 2 weeks of hyposalinity starting on week 3, I lost my clown fish 3 days ago..... one other clown fish still has some white specks on his back. My Domino has a popeye!! The Maracyn-Two is also recommended for Popeye, so yesterday I started the Maracyn treatment again hopefully the second time is a charm! Maybe I should be doing something else?? Maybe I just need to be patient!!