ick out of control - help


what do do with ick all over my fishes. I added copper in the tank. It has been 4 days. The ick still growing. :help:
I finally added more. I am only measuring 0.05 copper. Not sure why. I followed the instruction on the seacure.
This morning I added almost 3 times the instruction to boost the copper. How fast will I see results?


Active Member
Do you have LR or LS in the tank or any inverts?
If so FYI you pretty much killed off anything live invert wise in the tank, but there is no going back now. so we pretty much have to press on.
I personally think cupramine is the best copper based medication out there.
What does your copper medication say the level should be at, and does it say it is, Chelated or nonchelated. You need to be sure your copper test kit tests for the type of copper you are using.
copper works much better in a tank without any type of LR or LS because all that stuff absorbs the copper making it ineffective.
you need to test the copper leve twice a day for the first two weeks and one a day after that and keep the medication at the level recommended by the Manf. It takes a full 4wks of treatment to kill the cycle of ich.

joe 09

i used the same brand.it takes a few days for the copper to reach .15.just follow the directions very closely. than it takes a while for the copper to drop .angels and anthias are very sensitive to copper,especially the flame angel.they will die .


It is very easy to make a mistake with Cu solutions, it doesn't take much of an overdose to kill you fish (which are already stressed from the ich). I prefer a formalin/malachite green solution (you can pick this up anywhere, and it's cheap). It is going to take a while to knock it back. Just keep in mind that the life cycle for both of these critters is ~3 weeks (it's dependent on temp), and only one stage (the free-swimming infective stage) is realistically treatable. In other words, you need to treat continuously for at least 14+ days in order to make sure you kill ‘em all. Most people make the mistake of quitting treatment once all the white spots disappear (this isn’t even the stage that you’re treating for). The best way to avoid problems with ****** is to use a quarentine tank to begin with. Just keep in mind what ever medication you use, that to follow the directions on the bottle and/or someone who knows what they are talking about. The most effective way to take care of ****** is to remove the fish to a quarentine tank for treatment and allow your main tank to remain fishless for at least 4-6 weeks (the ****** need the fish host to complete their life cycle, and will die naturally without them). Keep in mind that adding any medications to your main tank could potentially kill of your beneficial organisms as well (including your denitrifying bacteria).