ick!! tank wiped...


i baby sat my friends fish that turned out to have ick. it killed off all my fish before i had a chance to intervene. the tank is empty now for 2 days...do i need to do something before getting new fish? I just did a partial water change and cleaned out the sump. Does ick stay in the water? Will my new fish get it if i buy em? What should i do?


if the tank has no fish i hate to tell you but what you need to do is leave it that way for at least two months to be sure the ich is no longer there and perished.i believe that is the life cycle of ich in a fishless tank.sucks but true.maybe ask around,maybe a month and a half.if you put fish in the tank before then you run a chance of them contracting it again.corals and shrimp and rock and all that jazz are ok,they do not carry the parasite from what i have read.i think it will hang out in the rock but with no fish in there to sustain it for two months it will die.


I have heard a 50 50 split on good verse bad. I looked at many very nice tanks that have them and they are old and doing great. So I tried it. I am not the best at corals my brain,star polyp, zenia, and coral tree are doing great and spreading over the last year. I did recently add a torch coral and it is dieing fast, I find it hard to blame the uv since the others are doing great. Good luck.