Ick under actinics???


Hi everyone... about 2 weeks ago i bought 2 perculla clownfish and put them in qt. well the pairing didn't work out so good and the bigger one fought the smaller one to death (the dead clown looked like either the fins were really bad, or the fins were bad along with small spots of ick... I decided to just put the remaining clown in the DT. It looked perfectly healthy, but when i put the actinics on, i can see 3 small little white patches/dots on the clown.. i had ick before plenty of times in my past and wasent sure if this was a case, but i was paranoid and took him out of the DT and put him in qt.. now he looks healthy with normal lights... does this clown have ick? or are my LED actninics really strong and are just showing his natural skin which is bound to not be perfectly orange.


Staff member
First off, unless clownish are actually paired, they will usually be aggressive with each other with the dominate killing off the smaller.
Do you have other fish in that display besides the clown that was in there?
Best thing to do was to leave fish suspected of being sick in the QT until you know for sure.
Can you post pictures of the problem?


nope, there were no other fish in the display... The 'Ick' looked so light that it doesent even show up in pictures. I immediately put the clown back in the qt, and it looks fine... I think i just might be overreacting because i had ick so many times before... If the clown looks fine do you think i should just put him back in the display?


Staff member
Not likely. I'd suggest keeping the clown in QT and proceeding with hyposalinity treatment.
Use the QT in the future for fish before going in to the display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/387455/ick-under-actinics#post_3410532
Not likely. I'd suggest keeping the clown in QT and proceeding with hyposalinity treatment.
Use the QT in the future for fish before going in to the display.
I could have not said it better, your best bet is to stick the clown back into the QT and leave your DT with no fish or any other additions for atleast 6 to 8 weeks. Don't add anything.