

Active Member
small white specks on him like grains of salt.if he is still eating make sure you feed him well daily


well he is eating a lot and i m feeding him brine soaked on garlic to help their immune.
but is it normal for him to go side ways into my LR. it seems like something is ichting on him, but i dont see any white spots, I even bought a magnified glass to check and nothing...he swims perfectly, eats like there is no tomorrow....i dont know if this is normal behavior for blue tangs.


Active Member
with that diet hes bound to get ich.tangs are herbavores they need veggies ,yes they will at meaty food but they have to have greens to survive btw brine is a waste of money for any sw fish it has the nutritional value to fish as popcorn has to humans its ok as a treat but not as a main food source.here is a list of good food that will help keep your fish healthy:
Flaked:Omega One .veggie flakes or Kelp flakes
pellets:Thera+A antiparestic non medicated formula(this will help get rid of the ich)and help prevent it.
Fozen:emerald entrese(algae based with mysis and brine)
formula 2 aglae cubes
seaweed sheets:seaweed selects and color will do.
these are the brands I use for mine they do have others simular but your tang needs these special diet to remain healthy.if you have a mixture variety of fish you realy need to make sure each species has its daily requirement of nutrients.
herbavore:plant life diet,such as macro algae kelp seaweed and so on.meaty is ok as part of its diet but will not sustain health in fish alone.
omnivore: meaty and plant life type foods needed to ensure balenced diet
carnavore:meaty foods such as krill, shrimp, silverslides ,scallops, squid mysis shrimp ,even crab variety of these foods will benefit your fish the best.
tangs need to be fed 2- 3 times daily
example of my feeding schedule: pellets in the Am,afternoon snack veggie flakes and seaweed select sheets after the flakes are gone I add the sheets Pm feeding frozen menue.I do this daily for 4 tanks. heer is a link to help you out in this matter


okie.....is it ok to buy veggies flakes or should i just put any veggie in my tank like lettuce or something???