

Ok I woke up this morning, and my yellow tang and coral beauty angel both had white dots like it sleep on a feather pillow and had white flakes on them, so I tested the water and all the levels were perfect No ammo No Nitrate and No Nitrite. So I went to work and came home with some "Rid Ick" and the spots were gone is this normal or are they getting sick whats happening?


Active Member
HOw big of a tank are they in? Most tangs stress out easy and are disease magnets. If theyre new to the tank they could be stressed out from being in a new environment. Try checking diseas and treatment forums for further help.


It's a 45g, the tang 2-3 inches I bought him Saturday, because he went on sale, but my 135 isn't ready yet, and he'll be in there soon!


Active Member
This would be a good opportunity to qt your fish. You can try hyposalinity or copper treatment while theyre in the 45g.


Maybe a stupid question but can you explain hyposalinity and copper treatment? sorry I am probably to much of a Novice at this


Active Member
hyposalinity is a slow process of dropping your salinity low enough to kill the parasites but do no harm to the fish. Copper treatment is using copper based meds to kill the parasite but only effective during one stage of the parasites life cycle. The disease and treatment forums can give you better detailed intructions on how to do these treatments. Running the uv filter would also help while being qted


Active Member
I really would suggest doing hypo over copper with tangs!!!! Did you find those spots when you first turn on the lights?? They can look spotty when lights first turned on. Be on the look out just in case. I would start feeding garlic foods like formula 2 or soak the food your feeding with garlic juice. What type of diet are you feeding them??? :happyfish


Ich disappearing and reappearing with a vengence is the normal life cycle of ich. To get you tank to hypo you need to change out 1/5th of the water in your tank with fresh RO water every 12 hours until the salinity reaches a level of 1.009%. This shoulf take just over 48 hrs. Ich wiil die off at this salinity level as will your LR, inverts, corals, and LS. You need to closely monitor PH. If you run hypo on your MT you need to maintain 1.009 for 3 weeks after all signs of ich have cleared. Then on the 4th week slowly raise your salinity back up to normal. Raise the salinity very slowly over a week. If you have LR you will need to remove it from your MT and keep it in a rubbermaidcontainer with water flow and heater during the treatment. When salinity is back to normal, watch the first for a week checking for spots before returning LR to tank. If you remove the fish from the MT to do hypo or copper, the fish will need to remain out of the MT for 5-6 weeks to let the ich in the MT die off naturally.