

i just walked in from poker night and saw that my half-black angel has ich. I have had him for a week and he has showed no signs of ich until tonight. he is covered in it. the What do I do?? my clowns r not showing any signs of ich so its just the angel. what do i do????????
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who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by koolman56
i just walked in from poker night and saw that my half-black angel has ich. I have had him for a week and he has showed no signs of ich until tonight. he is covered in it. the What do I do?? my clowns r not showing any signs of ich so its just the angel. what do i do????????
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do u have a qt tank?? If not, i would recommend a very large water change, dose food w/garlic and borrow or buy a uv sterilizer from ur LFS


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
do u have a qt tank?? If not, i would recommend a very large water change, dose food w/garlic and borrow or buy a uv sterilizer from ur LFS
These things may help, but they will not remove ich from your system. Hyposalinity is the way to go. Please post this in the disease and treatment forum. Are you also EL BOB?


Active Member
Originally Posted by garnet13aj
I don't get it, why have 2 posts exactly the same?
1) Possibly found some way to accidentally post a new thread, when the intent was to respond to the other. However, then posting a thread to Bang Guy to then look at this thread makes it seem unlikely.
2) He is also El Bob. Using two user names is never a good plan.
3) To waste time...which is my guess right now, unfortunately.