

Got ick into my system when adding two clowns. I tryed useing the RID ICK stuff it didnt do that great but did temperarly remove the spots of my fish. Have 1 purcula clown(the smaller clown didnt made it though the night
) and a yellowtailed desmal. The desmal hasnt even developed any ick it doesnt bother him. Anyway i lowered my SG from 1.025 to 1.022 so far, i dont know if i can go clear down to 1.009 because my ph is 7.8 and use to be 8.0. Both fish are active and seem happier sence the SG drop i made, so if the ph keeps droping if i lower the SG anymore is that going to be more stressfull for the fish


ph= 7.8
SG= 1.022
Ammonia= 0
Nitrites= 0
Nitrates= 0
how would i higher my ph and lower my SG for the Hopysalini... procces


Active Member
Adjust the PH of the fresh water your adding especially if its RO water. For a hospital tank there is no harm in using treated tap water. In fact most of these tap water treatment products (amquel) are also ammonia detoxifiers which can head off any ammonia problems in the HT tank which can be common problem if HT was set up in a hurry. These products can intefere with some meds. google amquel for complete info if you chose to use these products stand alone or in combination with meds.
Lower sg to 1.009 over a 48 hour period useing fresh water.
You can raise the PH with regular old arm and hammer baking soda. Adjust the fresh water you adding to to 8.4


baking soda ? sounds good how much would i need to add. ph is 7.8 right now Always I get my water form Hy Vee our grocery store they run theres there a lot of stuff. when reading their the list RO/ was on it so im sure there water is good for tanks