

Well i got ick in my DT (120gallons) on Hippo tang, Well here's the plan take out all live rock and corals and shrimps and star fish. Put them all into another tank with my MH lights and use some of my tank water and trying to get extra water from friends tank.
Fish list

Hippo tang
Yellow tang
Mandarin Goby
Watchman goby
Bi-colour blenny
Maroon clown fish
The mandarin goby how will he survive without LR and no pods to eat??
I will leave them in the display tank with only a XP3 canister filter that has some bacteria in it as well as power head. I will lower the salt levels over 48hours and leave it there for 3-4 weeks.
Let me know if you see something wroung here and answer some questions i have
thanks this is real frustrating...


Staff member
Yes, this is very frustrating. You're on the right track, only do not use any water from your friend's tank. Add enough water to cover your rock and corals in the temporary tank. Get one of those long rubbermaid type containers from home depot so you can spread out the rock/corals and create a somewhat shallow environment. Cover the rocks/corals with water from your display.
To the display, you will be replacing large volumes of water with fresh water, so just do that. Any other water you need to add, mix your own and age it over 2 days. Use at least 3 powerheads in the display tank, and probably 2 in the rock/coral tank.
Once everything has settled in and treatment is underway, please think seriously about setting up a quarantine tank so that this nightmare does not repeat. For less than $100, you can have an awesome QT, and never have to worry about something like this again.
Do you have a refractometer?
Take a look at the info on hyposalinity in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.


Thanks beth for the advice, and yeah trust me i learned my lesson and will be setting up a QT once this is all over. Im getting the refractometer tommorow and will begain the whole process.
You never answered question about the mandraine goby/dragonet???


Staff member
Mandarin goes with the live rock and corals. Be sure to continue to feed the coral/rock tank daily.


Beth I have a question. I've had a good number of clownfish die on me cause of ick. Now I've not added anything to my tank in over a month and dont plan on adding anything till november. I have two other fish in the tank a firefish and a chromis and they look fine. Would it be safe to say that the ick is gone if these fish continue looking healthy or am I wrong?


Originally Posted by alfred30
Beth I have a question. I've had a good number of clownfish die on me cause of ick. Now I've not added anything to my tank in over a month and dont plan on adding anything till november. I have two other fish in the tank a firefish and a chromis and they look fine. Would it be safe to say that the ick is gone if these fish continue looking healthy or am I wrong?
"Alfred30" you shld start your own thread to get prompt answers but i dont mind, as for you question i belive (from reading) that the tank has to be fishless for atleast 6 weeks so to answer your question no the ick isnt out of ur system....Goodluck


Staff member
Originally Posted by alfred30
Beth I have a question. I've had a good number of clownfish die on me cause of ick. Now I've not added anything to my tank in over a month and dont plan on adding anything till november. I have two other fish in the tank a firefish and a chromis and they look fine. Would it be safe to say that the ick is gone if these fish continue looking healthy or am I wrong?
If you absolutely do not see any signs of ich, then yes (if you are waiting til Nov.). I would do some very close observation using a magnifying glass.


One more thing if i put my corals in the long rubbermaid with MH and powerheads will it be ok with out a Skimmer???
Thanks again

al mc

Active Member
Xsizz.....Sorry to jump in...But, if you have an extra skimmer I would use it
in the rubbermade tank. While your bioload is small the corals are more sensitive to the nitrogen cycle byproducts and you can reduce the organics with a skimmer.

al mc

Active Member
In that situation I would keep it on the DT unless you have problems with
nitrogenous waste build up in the coral tank. Since you will be removing your live rock to the coral tank your DT will have more of a potential to have an ammonia spike than the coral tank IMO.

al mc

Active Member
In that situation I would keep it on the DT unless you have problems with
nitrogenous waste build up in the coral tank. Since you will be removing your live rock to the coral tank your DT will have more of a potential to have an ammonia spike than the coral tank IMO.

al mc

Active Member
In that situation I would keep it on the DT unless you have problems with
nitrogenous waste build up in the coral tank. Since you will be removing your live rock to the coral tank your DT will have more of a potential to have an ammonia spike than the coral tank IMO.


What would happen if i left a peice of lr in the display tank while hypo?
Also if i start to add RO water to DT tank to bring salt levels down can i use swing arm Hydrometers to start off and by wedesday i shld have the refractometer, would this work?? I wanna bring salt down over 48 hrs so i wldnt need to be accurate to 1.009 as of yet rite??

al mc

Active Member
Live rock in DT during hypo...you will lose some of the growth on and in the rock causing some organic decay/nitrogen cycle, but the bacteria (good) will survive. I have rock rubble in my QT during hypo to help keep the tank cycling.
Biggest problem with hypo and RO water to get there....pH of RO needs to be similar to pH in the existing DT. Keeping the pH stable during hypo can be hard and should be monitored/corrected as needed.
You are correct that you do not have to have perfect SG numbers in the first stages of going from 1.026 to 1.009, but you will need accurate readings as you approach hypo.


New Member
what does it take to set up a QT tank?
do you just use it when you get new fish?
what if you get 1 fish every few weeks?


Well i moved all the rock n corals n inverts, what a job that was. I had to mix about half new SW for some liverock the corals used all old water from DT and maybe a small bucket of fresh SW. So now i just add RO water slowly over 48hrs to get it to 1.009 (i got the refractometer today
) Also do i feed like normal or cut bak alot, today i didnt feed the fish will feed them tommorow...
Hows that all sound???


Originally Posted by xsizzlax
Well i moved all the rock n corals n inverts, what a job that was. I had to mix about half new SW for some liverock the corals used all old water from DT and maybe a small bucket of fresh SW. So now i just add RO water slowly over 48hrs to get it to 1.009 (i got the refractometer today
) Also do i feed like normal or cut bak alot, today i didnt feed the fish will feed them tommorow...
Hows that all sound???
Sounds good. Being that you have a reduced amount of biological filtration in the tank, without the rock, be careful not to over feed. Once a day is fine.


Would it be a bad idea to leave a footbal size peice of lr in the DT tank jus incase the canister doesn have enough biological filtration, or will that cause for harm then good?


Well this morning hippo tang looks even worse covered in ick all around and wont eat at all seems this made more of mess than good jus hope she pulls thru, the salt level is at 1.021-1.020