

New Member
help my tank has the dreaded ick. i have been reading the board and decided to use thehyposalinity treatment in a quarenteen tank but my question is i have four damsels two neon blue gobies
and a cucumber in the display tank they dont have it. should i move them to the treatment tank anyway so the ink can die out or leave them where they are? do they carry the ick or not?


Active Member
if one has it then all of them have it. But some may be resistant and it may not manifest on them. BUT if you don't treat all your fish the fish you just treated may reget ick. Ick is tricky like that. Whatever you end up decideing to do keep in mind the ick lasts for 3 or 4 weeks until it is fully gone.
I would say quarentine all the fish and copper them but you need a seperate tank. I do know 10 gallon tanks can be had for 12 dollars or so. There are many ways of doing things so consider them all.


New Member
i just went to the local fish strore and they told me to treat the display tank with greenex, i have corals in there is a good idea or should i just remve all fish and let it go for a month unihabited? my tangs are already in the hospital tank being treated with hypo salinity i was planning to leave them there either way i went but the damsels are being very stubb0orn about being caught. so i figured i would just treat both tanks. also i put rid ich in the hospital tank.