icon to the left of name


Active Member
That is an envelope. It gets a black dot in the center of it if you have replied to the post. It does look like a camera.;)


Excuse me Mr RyeBread but I did not respond to my own post but I did edit it. Thank you for your reply but I can do without your scarcastic answers. I am trying to learn all that I can about this board as well as the hobby of reefing.Any info that I can attain from this site or just maybe share my experience might just be of help to someone so please get off your high horse and not belittle someone for their questions. Get with it Man some people my not know as much as you think you do!!


Active Member
Get with it man! was supposed to be for slothy. We have a thing. I am certainly not on any high horse or donkey for that matter. Sorry. Trying to help in any way I can. I also agree with you that the envelope looks like a camera. Not trying to be an @$$ ......... unless you are slothy of course.
Picture of my horse.


You want to help me? tell me how to go about moving my tank? I do appoligize if my comments where not warrented. No one pi$$me off, just felt like I was being baggered for not being ``up to date``, . No offensive meant


Active Member
what about moving your tank ? i charge 100 a hour hhehe..
but all joking aside.. what about moving your tank ?


Slothy, see my post about moving 800 miles. Would be from Monroe,LA to Orange,FL(south of Jacksonville,F)
you are killer, man! I nearly died when I saw your 'wheaties' post. My friend kept getting mad cause I wouldn't stop laughing and she thought I was laughing at her. Hahahahahahaha Hehehehehehehehehehehe :D