ID a fish


I have a new fish. The kids call him Spot. He's a long eel like fish and is black with yellow spots. I thought he was a goby of some sort but I am
not sure. He is a really easy going fish. Here is a picture, sorry the
the picture isn't the greatest.



It is really tough to tell, but if it has a slender body and fins ontop and body and swims with a kind of slithery wiggle, it is a blenny. Blennys also perch on rocks and wiggle into the sand, much like a goby, but gobies are more rotund and do not have continuous fins around their bodies.


Active Member
Picture is near impossible to figure out, but the only eel-like fish with that coloration I can think of is an engineer goby. Try looking it up for confirmation.
Note: Only the adults look like this, juvies resemble a neon goby.


Active Member
im almost 100% sure itan adult engineer goby, if you look on this sight it shows a juvi but as they age they change and from what i can tell thats what it is


Active Member
My thought was engineer goby as well.
Be advised they can seriously cause problems in a tank as they will tunnel underneath the live rock and potentially cause it to crash. It is important to have your live rock braced, ideally by having it in contact with the tank and not just the sand.


I have had the crash already. I had to have all my live rock in a position that he will not make everything fall. He is best friends with the Watchman goby that hides in the rock. He is really friendly but I rarely see him out only to eat


it is an engineer goby for sure and it is true about he rock from thier tunneling but if your rock is good thry are really cool i have one that is almost 10 inches and he is always pokin around