id anemones


New Member
my lfs sold me this anemones as a bubble tip anemone. i have been looking at pics of bta online and am not sure if thats what i bought now. what are your thoughts on this. thanks for the help.



Active Member
Originally Posted by sparkymedic
my lfs sold me this anemones as a bubble tip anemone. i have been looking at pics of bta online and am not sure if thats what i bought now. what are your thoughts on this. thanks for the help.
Tough to give a 100% id the pics are small but they look like bubble tips to me.


possibly a condy anemone, how much did you pay for it? If you can get some pictures up close to it, it might help out


New Member
i will try to get a bigger pic when i get home. i paid $45 for it. from some pics i have seen online i am also thinking it might be a condy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sparkymedic
i will try to get a bigger pic when i get home. i paid $45 for it. from some pics i have seen online i am also thinking it might be a condy.
OUCH!! $45 I hope its not a condy... or a bubble tip for that matter. Unfortunately it is one of them, that is very expensive for either. FYI


I am almost positive that is a condy......but that is my .02 anyone else have any ideas, if it is a condy keep it well fed cause mine ate a yellow tang that I had


My "guess" would be bta...but a little one. I'm definitely no expert though...but my condi had the tips a little different colored, and my bta's are the same color at the tips. The tips of yours also look very rounded as my bta's do (mine don't "bubble" much...they tend to stay straighter as yours are). Your clowns are also interested in clowns wouldn't go near my condi but love the bta's.
That's just my opinion though...and as I said, I'm definitely not an expert (or even that knowlegeable, haha).


New Member
well it looks like votes for condy is taking the lead. if it is a condy what are the chances that it will eat my clown fish? should i remove the anemone form my tank?


Originally Posted by sparkymedic
well it looks like votes for condy is taking the lead. if it is a condy what are the chances that it will eat my clown fish? should i remove the anemone form my tank?
well my condi I kept it well fed with silversides. It should be alright with clowns if they even host to it. My tang was getting risky by grazing on the algae right on my rocks right next to it and it stung it and then ate it even though I fed it a silverside that same day. If you get anyother fish then I would watch it. but your clowns should be alright since my clowns would always sleep in mine. just my .02
Take care


Active Member
Condy's will eat any fish or invert that ventures too close to it. I was in fear for my baby clown the whole time I had the anemone. Luckily my MJ1200 also liked the Condy and that's how it's days ended in my tank... slurp!
I'd take it back to the store and demand money back. Condy's are normally in the $10 range.


New Member
well luckily my clowns aren't intrested in it at all, they swim past it like it's not even there. i think im going to have to find a new lfs. thanks for all the help you guys are great.


Originally Posted by sparkymedic
well luckily my clowns aren't intrested in it at all, they swim past it like it's not even there. i think im going to have to find a new lfs. thanks for all the help you guys are great.
Hahaha...that's good! I thought your clowns were all over since they were in the pic. Looking at my condi they do have the same shape, but mine just has purplish tips and my bta's don't...that's why I guessed bta.
I'd take it back to the store as well.