ID Anyone?


OK, I know I'll probably get flamed for this, but truly, excuses aside, I trusted my LFS (still do!) and I was only there picking up some RO but saw this, discussed my tank & set-up w/him and he said this would do fine, which it has....however, since I was there only to pick up some RO I didn't have my trusty aquarium notebook with me and can't for the life of me remember what he said this is....anyone know?


Now that you've said that I think that's exactly what he called it, because I remember thinking it would be easy to remember such a name LOL Anyway, thank you!!


Active Member
If its an anemone then i believe it is bleached b/c mine what white and they said that mine was bleched.


That looks really neat, is the green part of it? Is it still alive? I don't know about the bleached out comment because this thing hasn't changed color since I got it...lionfish, what happened to yours, did it die?


Yes the green was part of it, No its not alive anymore, it suffered a bad water change when I used a bad batch of salt.
I have seen white rock/flower anemonies before under MH lighting at my LFS for many months, so I think its normal. Perhpas you could feed yours and see if it gets any color.


I feed it regularly, when I feed my fish; I use the formula one and always disolve a portion above it and it devours it...very cool to watch actually. It does have some purplish/pink spots on it, I wonder if it will eventually show alot more color? That would be awesome - it's pretty now, but more color would be a great thing to see...that's such a bummer about yours, it really was beautiful with all that long had you had it when you took that pic?


I don't rightly remember total time, I purchased it a few months before the accident, then it lasted a couple of months after that until I finally removed it as it started to disintigrate.