ID Check Please

luca brasi

Lunare Wrasse?
Scientific Name Thalassoma lunare
Reef Compatible NO
Care Level Beginner
Disposition Aggressive
Min. Tank Size 75 gallons
Mature Size 10 inches
Diet Carnivore
Range Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, Africa, Australia
He really looks like a Lunare Wrasse and I have him in my reef I wonder if I should pull him out, ALL input please, So far it looks like things are ok but the pick you posed is dead on to what this hitch hiker looks like
Pull him out or keep him in?

luca brasi

Originally Posted by dksart
Just watch him. If he starts picking at your coral, pull him out.
Agreed, and you have to watch it with inverts also I believe.
Originally Posted by dksart

Still, best hitch-hiker ever!

Well, there was a thread about 2 months ago about an octopus hitchhiker

Still very cool though


Active Member
Originally Posted by Luca Brasi
Agreed, and you have to watch it with inverts also I believe.
Well, there was a thread about 2 months ago about an octopus hitchhiker

Still very cool though

Yup, octos are much cooler hitch-hikers, but guaranteed to rip your tank apart coral by coral and eat your entire cleanup crew, unless it's a dwarf. Then it's fish bait.
I wouldn't trust a non reef safe Wrasse to behave. Wrasses are squirrelly and a Lunar will eventually get to be about as big as a size 12 shoe, and at that point, anything that fits in its mouth is food.
You guys are right I have to pull him out not sure what i am going to do with him? I turn on the light today and he has one of my Scarlet crabs in his mouth and he is chomping it. Fish is only 1.5 inches long.
He has to go. Trying to catch him will be another task. Any Ideas?

luca brasi

Originally Posted by Supercomputers
You guys are right I have to pull him out not sure what i am going to do with him? I turn on the light today and he has one of my Scarlet crabs in his mouth and he is chomping it. Fish is only 1.5 inches long.
He has to go. Trying to catch him will be another task. Any Ideas?
Bottle trap-

luca brasi

Originally Posted by Supercomputers
Thats a good Idea do i putt food in it too and just let it sit in the tank?
Ok guys I tried the bottle with no luck has taken all day. He is fast as hell. Not sure to just leave him for now. Dont want to destroy all the rock work trying to get him.
My peppermints and cleaner shrimp are all quite larger then him but I am not sure if that matters. Looks Like he picked off quite a few of my scarlets but he wont touch the zebras.
Any other thoughts ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Supercomputers
You guys are right I have to pull him out not sure what i am going to do with him? I turn on the light today and he has one of my Scarlet crabs in his mouth and he is chomping it. Fish is only 1.5 inches long.
He has to go. Trying to catch him will be another task. Any Ideas?


If you "starve" the tank for a day or possibly 2 then do the bottle trick with a piece of shrimp...should go in it...Definitely get him out! You will not have any shrimp left before much longer!!


Active Member
I've redistributed live rock from my 180 to a 45 and a 30 gallon and not seem my wrasse for a while only to discover him in a different tank. Then I've have to go tear down the tank making sure he wasn't in the lr while taking it out of the tank. Then once I'd removed all the lr I'd have to rake my fingers threw the sand just to find him. He is a little booger


Active Member
Originally Posted by Benter
If you "starve" the tank for a day or possibly 2 then do the bottle trick with a piece of shrimp...should go in it...Definitely get him out! You will not have any shrimp left before much longer!!
I wouldn't starve the tank, he'll have plenty to eat. Your shrimp.
Does this guy pick of my Snails to? They seem to be disapering to now. This dam fish is only less then 2 inches I cant belive it. He is so dam fast its unreal. Its like he goats me, comes out and knows i cant touch him. I did not think it was possible as my cleaner shrimp was 3 times the size of him but it has not gone missing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Supercomputers
Does this guy pick of my Snails to? They seem to be disapering to now. This dam fish is only less then 2 inches I cant belive it. He is so dam fast its unreal. Its like he goats me, comes out and knows i cant touch him. I did not think it was possible as my cleaner shrimp was 3 times the size of him but it has not gone missing?


Active Member
Wrasse are tough, and can be pretty mean when it comes to eating.
You need to get this one out of your tank or you might as well kiss all your inverts goodbye. It's either them or the Wrasse, can't have both.


Originally Posted by Supercomputers
Thanks guys thats what I figured, I just worry about my peppermint shrimp. They are bigger then him so I am not worried yet but I will watch it.
It was a piece of Coral that I bought, Zoos. I took it out of the bag after floating it and all of a sudden this dude was in the tank not sure were the hell he came from.
Thanks for all your help.

So i am guessing you didn't dip your coral?