ID Coral


Active Member
i have two spots of something like that on a rock. i think it was murph or lion-crazz that said he thought it was maybe a Montipora nodosa.

bad pic but it looks a little like yours...


New Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
did it come as a hitchhiker?
Yup, amazingly it survived my tank cycle and has been in my tank the entire 5 months. It also decently well under my extremely low lights(15W) for 3 months until I upgraded.
Wow steve24, that does look like mine. At first it was more clustered than yours, but now that it finally started to spread I noticed the polyps are more spread out in the new areas.
Edit: Have you ever seen the polyps retract fast? I did when one of my hermits poked at it. It was a pretty cool effect. Domino Wave like.


I have the same coral, dont know what is it, it came as hitchaker in a stone with some shrooms, when is dark they retrac to stone (more ile a spot) and when the ligth is full they really open and grows, can any body can tell as is is not majano?
thanx a lot.


Originally Posted by steve24
i have two spots of something like that on a rock. i think it was murph or lion-crazz that said he thought it was maybe a Montipora nodosa.

bad pic but it looks a little like yours...

I dont think is montipora. I have red the montipora and is not as this is.
is more like a zooes when is fully open


Active Member
tiny poly is Encrusting Goni, I have red and white in my reef.
the other brown even smaller polyp is Porites common in christmas tree worm rocks.
hope this helps


New Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
tiny poly is Encrusting Goni, I have red and white in my reef.
the other brown even smaller polyp is Porites common in christmas tree worm rocks.
hope this helps
Ah, so you mean mine is a Porites species and steves is a Encrusting Goni?
Edit: Is there a more common name that the porites falls under? Is this a type of coral you would see in stores?


Active Member
No got confused in the posts.And was looking at wrong parts of the pics.
Feather- yours to me looks like an encrusting Goni.
Steve's almost looks like an Alveopora but he would know when its open for sure if it was as the polyp ext on Alve gets outrageous.


Active Member
From the size and shape of the polyps, I think perhaps some type of encrusting gorgonian. Is the rocks from the caribbean ?