ID Crab


Hello all,
I have been attempting to identify a crab that hitchiked into my tank with a peice of live rock.
At first he was very small but now he has grown quite well and seems to be thriving. I will try to get a picture of him to post but he is very elusive and hides underneath one of the base rocks in my tank that has very good current flowing under it.
He is a light tan in color has two large claws that he does not seem to use veyr much. He also has a pair of legs (arms) that he is constantly extending and retracting. Last night I was able to get a very good look at him with a flashlight behind him and the arms actually have a fan of tiny hairs on them that he is extending out and retracting back. I assume this means he is filter feeding. He has hairs extending off the sides of his large claws. I have not been able to get a very good look at the shape of his body at all. I have also never seen a crab that filter feeds like this one does.
Any Ideas?


Thanks guys it does indeed appear to be a porcelain crab. More specifically an Australian porcelain crab .
Thanks again.