ID Fish Please!!!!

cats eye

I have a fish, that I have had for two years that no one knows what it is, not even lfs, it has a pointy nose, rotating eyes like a chamelon, two fins it uses to sit on the ground, two fins it uses to swinm with, a large fin on its back that is as long as he is and flares up when he is scared, and a tail fin. His colors are he is white with brown and his tail is brown and white with a little yellow on it. Quite docile, I think.Please tell me what you guys think this is.

cats eye

I just took one on my digital camera but I left the usb cord at my friends house so I wont have a pic till later on tonight or tommorow.

cats eye

Well, unfortunatley its gonna have to be tommorow cause my friend is not home. But, do you have any ideas on what it could be, without the pic?

cats eye

Ya, thanks, i cant belive that no one knows what this fish is, its not even in fish books, that is wierd, at least I havent seen him in a fish book. I will definitley post the pic tommorrow though. I hope you know what he is.


Active Member
Scooter dragonette maybe? LFS would know that one though. I can't wait to see the picture too. :notsure:


Active Member
Good thinking on maybe being a scooter. It fits the description. Is this it?
I would think an LFS would know that one too though...

cats eye

No, unfortunatley that is not it. My fish is more white than that and bigger. It has a pointy nose and seriously lizard eyes.


It does sound like some kind of a goby though. They come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, but all have the fins as you described.

cats eye

That is what I thought a goby cause they swim and sit, ya know, and the pet store that sold it to me said that they thought it might be a goby but really did not know so I bought cause he is cool looking and payed 10 bucks for him. But honestly they did not have a clue as to what he was.


excuse my disjointedness. I am new to this message board and just trying to figure outhow to respond. Yes, the long nose hawk is usually red/white and doesnt swim much-but he does have a pointy nose and wierd eyes. It actually sounds more like a goby with the two dorsal fins. I will also look for your picture tomorrow.

cats eye

Ya, I think it is a goby of some sort to, and dont worry about how you sound or anything like that we are all friends here, just offering advice and trying to help each other, although I know for a fact that I am not an expert, but who really is. I have 2 to 3 years of salt water experience under my belt and that is not much. lol