ID Fish Please!!!!

cats eye

I will have the pic of my fish up tommorow, but if anyone else has ideas they are welcome, cause I'm going to be up for a while tonight! Thanks.

cats eye

No, unfortunatley not. That is such a cute bird on your avatar though. But, anyway my fish is more white and pointy nosed. Thanks though for the pic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cats Eye
No, unfortunatley not. That is such a cute bird on your avatar though. But, anyway my fish is more white and pointy nosed. Thanks though for the pic.
He can be cute when he wants to be. Lately he wants to cuddle....

cats eye

AW, I love parrots, I wish I had one, but I have a cat so I dont think it is a good idea. If I had a parrot or any kind of bird I would let it roam around most of the day, adn since I have a cat, I can't get a bird. But they are so cute!!!


Active Member
How big is it ?
When you say it swims, does it swim high like most anyfish and active or more like floating around, or more like hops from rock to rock ?
Is the white and brown colors in a patern like stripes or spots or more like random blotching?
What does it eat mainly ?


Active Member
oooohhh ....ooooohhh turn turn ...uhhh... :thinking:
.....does it play with snails?
I love 20 questions ***)

cats eye

Okay, he does have a pattern it is kind of like brown diamonds and the rest is white. He is about 3 to 4 inches in size. He is very stiff and sits alot and when he does swim he jets real quick, I'll have the pic in a few hours. And it eats anything, he really likes brine shrimp though. No I dont think it plays with my snail, but when I put my snail in yesterday, he seemed very interested in it. But he didnt touch it, just watched and followed it aroumd for an hour or so.

cats eye

Thank You for Iding this fish, its been a mystery for a while now, I cant believe that my lfs didnt know what he was. The mystery is nopw solved, thanks to you guys!!