ID good or bad snail


is this a good or bad snail found it stuck on some coral its head is pointed were he come out of and sorry for the bad pic that is the best i could get it is to small it is white and black


Originally Posted by meowzer
Look these up...
Heliacus spp.
Sundial, Box Snail
ok it is a Heliacus snail bad snail i put him in my sump till i found out he is out of my sump and will not go back in bad bad bad snail
i thought that he was bad snail
thanks again


It is obvious that you guys pointed out that this is a bad snail, but my question is how do you tell the difference between the sundial and the colistinal (spelling?). I have a ton of these snails, and I have always assumed they were the "friendly" snails, How do you tell the difference between the two? Secondly, how do you get rid of them if they are the "bad" ones?


Active Member
Personally if I was you, I would throw them all in my sump. If you can't tell the difference (I can't), better be safe then sorry.


Active Member
then all my sump snails are colinistas...oh well. lol Hope yours are too, Pirates. Its really hard to get them all if they're not. o_O


So I have Collinista Snails, I suck them off the glass everytime I clean the tank, but they are everywhere. The reason I ask the difference is, I find them on my zoo's all of the time. They are not killing them, but they definitely piss them off.


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
then all my
sump snails are colinistas...oh well. lol Hope yours are too, Pirates. Its really hard to get them all if they're not. o_O
just had one thank god but i have found 5 whelks and i have bought some of these and they are whelks here is some pics i payed $3.00 for each one and did not know they look like nuassarius but not the local pet store sold them to me i put them in my sump they will eat your clams


Active Member
Whelks are not animals that are, or should be, welcome in a normal reef aquarium. You would do well to do some reading on these predatory creatures.


Originally Posted by spanko
Whelks are not animals that are, or should be, welcome in a normal reef aquarium. You would do well to do some reading on these predatory creatures.
yes i have been can not bev that i bought these whelks and that the pet store sold them to me
can not bev what the say!!!! they are bad snails