ID help needed


New Member
Hello all,
I am looking for some help with identifying the items below, so I can research and come up with a plan to remove them if needed.
Are these hydroids or aiptasia in the first pic?
In the second pic (and first) I am curious if the green stuff is bryopsis, hair algae, or something else??? This stuff is quickly taking over my tank and I have been reading that bryopsis can be a pain to deal with.
The last pic I am curious what these black bubble-like things are. (Good or bad???)
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
the long green stuff i think might be hair algae, i to had it in my tank and it took over FAST. A clean up crew will take care of that. And the bubble stuff in the last pick is bubble algae (assuming you were trying to identfy it). If you pop a bubble it will spread spores around and make the problem worse. Emrald crabs will eat it.


New Member
Thanks! I just received 20 scarlets, 20 Astrea Snails and a Lawnmower Blenny, so hopefully they will start on the algae along with increased water changes for awhile. I will have to get an Emerald Crab the next time I order. Are the Emerald Crabs OK with smaller fish?


New Member
Should I have any concerns about the sponge, and in your opinion what is the easiest way to get rid of hydroids.


No worries on the sponge, and as far as the can smother them with some epoxy the stuff you glue corals down with


ok, sponge or bubble algae is the last pic's issue. So, can you pop one and tell us what happens, this will be a definite (yes, it can spread more, but not that fast, and you've got to get a clean up crew either way to handle it if it is algae)


New Member
I tried "popping" one last night and I couldnt. It appeared to be firm compared to a bubble.


New Member
I tried using a knife to slice into the center of it and it didnt pop. It only left a mark from where I tried to cut it.


Active Member
I got that black stuff and it is a sponge. Mine only grows on the underside of my rocks so I only see it when I am looking for fish or shrimp. I had bubble algea in my tank and I managed to get it all out without popping one in the tank. It does take some effort to pop one.