Id Help Please


Howdy All.
this was on a piece of rock we got to day for our LFS> a hitchiker of some sort. think its an Anemone. but is it a good witch or a bad witch? :hilarious
i know the pic isnt that great. but just noticed him after the lights went on sleepy mode. turned them back on and POOF :scared: away he went
thanks for any help


nm reef

Active Member
I believe it'd be really tough to ID based on the pic provided...possibly a curlique anemone....


Yeah thats pretty hard to tell from that pic, maybe sneak up on him in the dark and use the flash.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
I believe it'd be really tough to ID based on the pic provided...possibly a curlique anemone....

I really dont feel its that anemone at all.
I do however feel that it is an aptasia. I would actually place money on it... cause I love to gamble.


LOL, that was using our vid cam. the batteries died on the cam. so i used the light modeo n the cam. LOL ill see if i can get a good pic of it today when the lights come on. maybe he wont be so skittish


Originally Posted by Speg
I really dont feel its that anemone at all.
I do however feel that it is an aptasia. I would actually place money on it... cause I love to gamble.
bad aptasia!!!!!

bang guy

Originally Posted by Speg
I really dont feel its that anemone at all.
I do however feel that it is an aptasia. I would actually place money on it... cause I love to gamble.
But Aiptasia are a type of Anemone


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
But Aiptasia are a type of Anemone

Reread my post along with the quote.


ok yall,
here is a much better pic. and the little bugger isnt so shy today
any help would be appreciated
and do i leave it or pull it? pros and cons


Active Member
I feed mine. One large and a few that are 1/2" tall. I keep their rock isolated. They don't seem to be able to span the length of the tank to my other rockpile. Once they hit the sand, that's it. I don't think they're as bad as everyone lets on. If you intend to spend money on nice corals I'd get rid of it. If it's fish only I'd keep it.


Active Member
it looks too thick for aipstaita (sp) as far as i can see

apstatia is a type of anenome not anemone --took me ahwile to catch on to that one!!
leave it in till you possitively identify it's not hurting anything is it?


nope not touching anyting or close to anything either. the way we have our rocks set up. its on the top and man is it stretching and tayin in da wind. LOL as Jodie foster said in "nell" GRIN


Active Member
I thought it was a bit on the thick side especially from the first pic, but early in the morning my aip is short and squatty (before it fills up). I think the tentacles are a bit short as well, but if it had easy access to food it's arms wouldn't need to be very long. I'd watch it and keep an eye out for offspring. If it is positively I.D.'d as aiptasia I would remove it because you said you were definitely buying corals.


Active Member
If it is aiptasia, and you want to kill it, inject A DROP of lemon juice into the base near the foot with a syringe. Too much will jack your ph level. I've heard Joe's Juice is good, but I don't know joe and don't feel like making him any richer.