ID Help Please


The top thing is pretty big and keeps growing, its growing toward the powerhead in the flow. The second is about the size of a quarter when its open which seems to be in lower light, I only have 1 10,000 K on now and its blooming but if I thun the MH's on it closes up and looks like a piece of raw cotten. The bottom one almost looks like a duster but its tiny and the only one... Thanks



Pics aren't too clear...but looks like aiptasia. You could try peppermint shrimp which are known to help control outbreaks. I've never had an outbreak myself, but I have also heard that a product called joe's juice works, just not sure what effect it would have on the tank/tankmates.


Active Member
I am not sure from the picture, but the second shot may be a white sponge.??????


My apologies about the pics, the handheld camera has trouble focusing when its zoomed in that far...
The middle one looks like a sponge at times, when there lights are on full, its all closed in, white puffy, almost like a cotton ball, I had them for awhile in the old tank, but never saw them open. It has a center mass thats white with a ton of translucent like strings with white tips.


Active Member
only the 1st two look harmful from the blurry pics. joes juice will work fine. wouldnt affect water parameters at all.


+1 on the aptasia. I know these all to well,But yes last one looks like a feather duster not harmful.
But if you don't get a hold of it they will spread fast.