ID Help


These photos are terrible but I think you will be able to see what I am talking about. The first one is maybe aiptasia. I don't want to get rid of it unless that is in fact what it is. I would like to know what the second one is as well. Thanks.


Photo #2 I am talking about all of the redish plant like growth. It is growing nicely and I assume it is a good thing to have in the tank.


Active Member
The first one looks more like a curly Q anenome to me, I would definetely like a second opinion though. I don't know a whole lot about them, but they are not bad like aiptasia.
The second looks like a red macro, you can let it grow but it could become a problem.


Can I just crop the red macro like I am mowing the lawn if it gets out of hand. Anyone have an idea of how to get it to grow in a sump? I am going to be setting one up here shortly. Also, the first photo that is maybe aiptasia, today I put some phytoplankton in the tank and the stuck out further and they are on a long tube like body that is about an inch or so long. Still aiptasia? Should I just grab hold of them with forcepts and rip them out or what?
thanks again for the help.
The first looks like a curly Q anemone. It's a member of the aptaisia family but I don't think it spreads like aptaisia. sells them. Read the description they give and see if it sounds like what you have.
I had one that grew quite large. Then I added some peppermint shrimps. I don't have a curly Q anemone anymore.:)