ID needed Goniopora?


Toona....I wouldn't say the clown is attacking the gonio is it?? Since I have no anemone my clown has taken his place in my gonio as it's host. Doesn't bother me one bit and he really tends to dig in it as if he is trying to break it in half and the gonio still flowers when lights are on as if nothing happened. Whats your situation?


Thanks MR.Guitar, I am very lucky so far. Currently I am experiencing a false sense of accomplishment. I am sure the aquarium gods are about to bring me back to reality and give me a dose of reality. :hilarious
I just can't bring myself to watch the clowns hammer the Gonio, :mad: the Gonio showed signs of severe stress and the clowns where really attacking it.
I am not over reacting, the gonio polyps are scarred and I have witnessed enough reef critter battles to know the Gonio was going to lose this one. The clowns where more persistant at night, I think they wanted to settle down for the night and relax. The Gonio settles at night as well and the clowns where drilling their noses into the coral like posessed little demons. :scared:
My kids and I love these beautiful little percula clown fish, so we are going to try having a couple of anemone in our new 75 gal reef. I am pesimistic, anemone and corals do not mix. I also do not want metal halide lighting as the t-5's do not overheat my tank and they only need to be replaced once a year

john kelly

Hey Toona,
Would you mind if I use the picture of your Goniopora on my web site? I would have asked you in private, but I have no way of contacting you.
I really like that 75g MegaFlow tank. That is going to be nice with your "reef" in there!


John, thank you for the compliment. You are welcome to use any pictures from my thread. Drop me a link to your site when you get a chance.


Here is where I am at with my new 75 gallon setup, I am taking my time for once.
Here is my Canadian Immigrant Crew of workers, hope INS doesnt find out. :hilarious

and here is the finished stand, this is support structure, I will be adding a hardwood front, and sides. I am not sure I will bother with doors, as I feel I can simply lift the hardwood "cover" and set to the side when I want to work on the tank.

Here are the lights I hope to use

And I finally have all the live sand I need.