Id on crab!!


Hi, I'm from MEXICO, my english it´s not that good, I hope you understand me, I bought this crab, at the store they toll me it´s the first time they see it, and there is not any information about this crab, and nobody knows about it, I go on a take some pictures at sunlight to get a better picture



maybe some kind of edmeral crab
. What ever it is its really cool looking!

i'm not sure but i think you should leave it in the tank. :notsure:


never get lost like regular crabs, isn´t affraid for predators and I never seen attack somefish, also don´t have anemone on it, it´s just like a little ball with legs, looks like a blue spider with orange orings, I keep looking to make sure, isn´t dangerous, also a coral banded shrimp try to pull him a leg, and he still quiet, sometimes I think he´s die, but after that the crab just walk away a few inches, that´s why I´m sure he´s alive, only moves every hour just to change his location on the tank, it looks cool, a crab it never get lost on rocks


Originally Posted by fish-man-t
ok im going to say its just a baby blue crab very simple and common imo
you give me an idea!!! :thinking:
I go on a named blue buble crab, until I found information about it, or someone tell us about this crab, thanks


I Found The Coral Banded Shrimp Was Trying To Pull His Eye Out!!!
Was Really Funny
But I Scream The Coral Banded,
Them He Just Run Away And Disapear, It´s Really Dosile
And Have A Good Night Too


Originally Posted by drewissett
the first pics look like emeralds,
but I have never seen them with orange bands, so
I can't say for sure
well I still keep the name blue buble crab