ID on Discoloration


New Member
I've had this watchman for almost a year now and i'm starting to notice this discoloration behind his eye and behind his fin he's had it for about a week now and its getting bigger, just curious if anyone had any idea what would be causing this, i have a GS maroon, 2 yellowtail damsels and a sixline wrasse and none of these fish have the discoloration.
PH: 8.3
SG: 1.022
phos: .5
nitrate 10


New Member
he has it on just one side of his body, and he's been kina scratching it with the sand bed kinda like a fish with ich on rocks


Staff member
Are scales rubbed off or is that just faded? How is he eating and what is he eating, frequency?


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
It is kind of hard to tell. Do you notice any redness around the white area?
it is kinda red more whitish pink
Beth: he eats frozen brine twice a day and mys and pods in the tank too of course :)