ID on something to small to get a pic of?


I found something today and i have no idea what it is. It is very small, too small to get a pic of for ID. It looks like a tiny, white, furry, three legged star, with black spots. Is it possible that my CCstars are new parents? (i have no idea how they even reproduce let alone what their offspring would look like.) Normally i don't worry when i see new things but this is very bizzare. It seems to be feeding on algae on my LR. So i am hoping it isnt harmfull whatever it is.


Active Member
there is just one? is it definitely a type of star? it could have just been a hitchhiker.
i would say it can likely be an asterina star , but they usually appear by the tens / hundreds and are not fuzzy. maybe a different variation?


as of this point yes just one. No it is not deffinately a star just the closest thing i can think of that it resembles. It could have possibly been a hitchhiker i added a piece of LR 2 weeks ago and this is the piece of rock it is on.


Active Member
interesting find. do you have corals? i would just accept him as a cool hitchhiker until you can either photograph him, catch him eating corals (and definitely eating them) or possibly doing some searches for small seastars that might fit the description.
possibly ophiura could chime in and help you out.


just a small toadstool atm. and so far he hasn't left his rock. Long as he leaves it alone he is fine.


ok it is on the glass today so i got a really good look at it. It is deffinately some sort of star. Three legs formed and you can see two more forming. No idea what tyope of star yet but its cool that i will get to watch it grow up from just a tiny little thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chano
ok it is on the glass today so i got a really good look at it. It is deffinately some sort of star. Three legs formed and you can see two more forming. No idea what tyope of star yet but its cool that i will get to watch it grow up from just a tiny little thing.
sounds like an asterina star (hitchhiker) it would grow much bigger then it is , they stay pretty small