Id on the worm please


I picked up some LR from a LFS, and it had quite a few hitch hikers.. Some shrimp eggs that hatched, a baby serpent star that hatched ( I can only assume he hatched, he was not there before when I looked at it) some coral and these worms.. has anybody seen these before to tell me if they are safe for my seahorse tank? I also found some in my shrimp hatching tank.. Are they ok, safe, or should I panic and rebuild my tank?
Sorry for the blurry shots, stupid self focusing cameras.. never focus on what you want to see. GRRRR!!
Thanks for the help!!



I would say fire worms. I not experianced enought to say keep them with sea horses. I have them in my tank. As of now Im leaving them till they become a problem.


wonder if that is what mysterioulsy killed my seahorse then?? If so, Great!! I just counted over 10 of these suckers in my 12 gallon


I thought they had to be in a biger tank, I have one in my 65 gallon, do you think he would be Ok in the 12 gallon long enough to rid me of teh worms, they are about 2-3 inches in length each.. bigger than I thought he could eat...


In my opinion, leave them in. Contrary to popular belief, fireworms (or bristleworms) are not bad creatures and are quite beneficial in clearing out detritus, etc. It is very unlikely that they will harm your tank inhabitants, even very small, non-aggresive fish.