?? ID on white string like worms from the substrate


could be glass anemone without a picture its hard to tell but if these are the case they are bad and pepermint shrip love them for dinner


small hair like there sway back and forth looks like a miuiture piece of wet spagette see them on the rocks as well
waiting to get my new mushroom rock and dont need any issues


have you tried to dig one up to see the whole thing. glass anemone is just the name its not realy on the glass they are a hitchhiker and sit just under substrate and on lr and let tenticles be visible. they multiply very fast and are a nuisence. you may want to also make a post in the reef section
google or go to ask jeeves and put in glass anemones and see if any of those match your problem


Active Member
Probably Spionid worms. Are the "wet noodles" coming out of clusters of sand that look stuck together?
Not a bad thing.

bang guy


Originally Posted by gtgtazz
small hair like there sway back and forth looks like a miuiture piece of wet spagette
see them on the rocks as well
waiting to get my new mushroom rock and dont need any issues
My guess would be Spaghetti Worms - AKA Terebellid Worms. They are a beneficial type of Bristle Worm that only eats detritus. A very good member of the cleanup crew.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gtgtazz
with 1 - 3 little white strands moving
Sounds like spionid worms if it has a sand cluster at the base of the white strings. Extra cleaning crew, and I have yet to see anything eat them so far.