id please- are my corals sickly??


Just wondering about the wrasse, usually the dragons have white heads and thought it looked cool..
Do you have a protein skimmer? If not they are a MUST! I recommend a Aquaremora Pro
Clowns dont need to be born at the same time to get along, but usually they will pair... and dont get along in 3s... You should go with 1 or 2.... if you get 2 make sure 1 is smaller then the other... Try not to mix clown types some can be very bold.
Your snails should definently not be dieing that fast. But he low PH could be a cause of that.
I wish someone with more experiance then myself would chime in because your tank definently needs some help if things are dying off that fast.
The chocolate chip star is not reef safe.
You should have around 3-4 watts per gallon of water or more for anenomes. Your water has got some serious issues.... Dont add any more chemicals to your tank untill someone else on here chimes in with more experiance... just continue to use the RO water and try to SLOWLY bump your salinity up alittle.
How much flow do you have in your tank? You should have enough flow to turn your water over 20-25 times an hour.
Make sure you use RO water for your top offs also.
Your readings should be
Salinity 1.022-1.025
PH 8.2
Nitrites 0
Nitriates less then 10
You will need to get a calcium and alkalinity test also.


thanks so much. i think this ro water will change things drastically. im in arizona where you cant drink the tap water because of magnezium and partical content. i guess youll get bad kidney stones but like i said before my lfs told me the salt takes all that stuff out so the past 6 months ive only used tap. thanks again oh how do you raise ph??


Dude - do not do anything else (or spend another dime) until you have totally replaced or equaled the volume of your tank with the ro water. Give it maybe at least a week and then retest and go from there. I have a LFS close by like the one you have (DO NOT LISTEN, DO YOUR HOMEWORK) I will be hoping that everything turns around for you
PS Not to beat a dead horse but they should have never sold you the stuff you are tryng to keep knowing your system ( been there done that & no tee shirt) My LFS actually said " you don't need to do any reserch I'll tell ya what you need to know"
Best of Luck


Active Member
I also noticed that you said your anenomes keep dieing. Your current water conditions & lighting are insufficient for anenomes....dont add any more. Try holding off on any more livestock purchases until you can clean it up.


so i did a 15 gal today in a 100 gal tank. how much and otfen water changes can i get away with without shocking current inhabitents or starting a cycle? 10 gal every other day? or more? and 3 watts of light per gallon running 10 hours a day when the tank is only 20 inches deep. how much more light is recommended? thanks again for all your help and encourgement.


I would never go back to your fish store again.... or cuss them out for giving you such bad info and stealing your money..... If you cant drink the tap water in AZ how can they even recommend using it for your fish tank which needs absolute pure water?


Active Member
Sounds like your on the right track so far.
As for a water change, I would just go for a biggy, say 25 to 50%. You must use RO and mix the salt to at least 1.023(mayby closer to 1.024). Don't go higher so you can acclaimate everything up to that level. Then wait a week and do a 10 to 20%.
I write this because doing more 10% won't help to much, but a biggy will help everybody right away. It will- lower Nitrates, help your PH, raise your salt, help the water quality, ect...
Make sure after the salt is mixed drop a heater and a power head in the container and let it airate for 24 hours, then do your water change.
Skimmer is a must.
Post readings again after the WC.