ID please..bugs on live rock


I happened to be up late last night and decided to use a flashlight and look for anything that might come out at night after the lights went out. I saw lots of these little critters crawling over my live rock and on the sand bed. They look like little bugs. During the day I have noticed the empty skeletons of these same critters floating in the water, similar to a shrimp's molted skeleton. They have a curved body and kind of look like mini shrimp.
I also noticed a couple of very thin white thread-like worms coming out of some very small holes in my live rock.
Any ideas on what these are ...anybody



Thanks Conner for your reply to my post. After reading your reply, I searched the forum for pods and came across Thomas' informative thread complete with pics. Yeppers, that is definately what I have. I am glad I do not have the harmful ones, whew! I am still not sure what kinds of worms I have that look like wet spagetti, lol. I am going to assume that they are not bad either.


Sorry Thomas, typo for me. I was typing fast because I had something cooking on the stove and did not proof read for spelling errors. :scared: