ID Please. Odd LFS Hermit.


I posted this in the inverts section before I noticed this one.
Here is a pic.

Sorry for the poor quality. The legs and body are all white and hairy. The eye stalks and tentacles are dark blue with tiny white speckles.
Pretty mellow and about 1/2" across.
[edit] This little guy snuck into a batch of red-legged hermits I purchased for my nano, so I'm sure the LFS had no idea it was there.


Here's a better pic.

Anyone seen one of these before? Is it reef safe? (not that I have anything but rock right now).


it looks like the crabs that you can catch out here in Galveston (gulf of mexico). They are def. not reef safe. Where do you live at?


Originally Posted by alexmir
it looks like the crabs that you can catch out here in Galveston (gulf of mexico). They are def. not reef safe. Where do you live at?
I live just outside Chicago.
yeah i would say from personal experience any hermit crab with fur are never good for a reef tank
In your experience, what might this little guy eat in a reef tank? As of now, it appears to pick algae and stuff it picks out of the sand like my other hermits (blue and red). Would that likely change as soon as I add any zoos, corals, or shrooms? I have 3 TINY red BTA on a piece of Fiji that it completely ignores.
Also, for reference, its about 1/2" in size atm. That shell is about 1" long.
Thanks for the responses. I'll have to consider finding this guy a new home.