ID Please


New Member
Saw this rock at the LFS over the weekend. After searching around on the net, I think it may be a type of elliptical star coral. There really isn't much info on keeping these in a reef tank but hopefully someone has some. This rock has been in the store for a few weeks under VHO and it has no signs of decay.
Anyone have any info on keeping these? do they require VHO or MH? They remind me of a super sized porite.
Gotta love the little blue duster poking its head out. They claim its of the christmas tree type but I have not seen it fully extended.
Thank you for any help offered


New Member
Here's another pic. They have it labeled as golden polyps. This particlular LFS is known to have corals misnamed.


Active Member
No expert, but have you seen it open up? They look all closed in the pics. Anyways a bump for the gurus to see. :D


Dichocoenia stokesii aka Star Coral or Elliptical Star Coral.
Medium to Strong Lighting
Med-Low to strong flow
not very aggresive
pretty hardy
Requires: Light, plankton, brine shrimp, detritus, and/or fish waste.
Doesn't require all, but will benefit from any of those above.
They are fairly easy to take care of :D


New Member
forgot the common name, but jullian sprung wrote something about it maybe 12 years ago and Albert Thiel had a Beautiful piece in his 110 gal ( lower half of the tank) under 150 w halides when he lived in Conn.


humm they can live with that little light???? anything elses they need to live off of wen not much light???